I am from my street were I can hear all the neighborhood dogs barking wich I think sounds like a symphony of a big band playing in a big show as they bark I can tell that they are saying hello
I walk to the path of my house and go to my room and dream i dream of great things and when I wake up i smell the house it always smells good and when I walk down the halls I feel likefloating i walk out of the house to my bike and to my yellow house my town is a nice town to the trees and the people i walk through there and hear lots of chatter were im from there are always people talking no conflict i go outside were im from there is never any to my house and going on my computer i am from computer games and playing and watching videos from going outside and my brother i am from night when i go asleep and when i wake in the morning i feel
refreshed i walk downstairs and i eat my breakfist i am from the smells in the morning or thats what they say its either that or how the house always smells i couldent really tell but it never bothers me because i think it smells good after that i usually watch tv i am from all the channels we have some i haven't watched yet then i also go outside to my swing set i swing as far as i
can i am from the smells of oak trees and the shade of my cherry tree which has been there since i was born my dad tells me that the owner before planted it i am from climbing it eating the cherrys i have always been dazzled by the way the leaves turn into flowers in the spring as i run through them i am from dawn when the sun goes down when its time to sleep my mom tucks me in a night as i sleep