a new partner in crime

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After leaving ash and aunt delia me and professor oak went inside his lab to get my new pokemon. "Hey professor oak what Pokemon are you gonna give me" oak just said " you'll see when you see it" I don't know if I should be worried or not he might give me a Magikarp or a Weedle but he might not do that, would he? "Hey iron were here" " huh? " I was so in my head I didn't noticed we were Infront of the machine (I didn't know what's it called so Idc) "so iron do you know the evolution Pokemon" " yeah Eevee it's said to have 8 evolution why are you asking"

I was confused since doesn't he have all the pokemon in his Pokedex? "iron your spacing out again" "oh sorry I tend to space out" "Its ok so this pokemon I'm gonna give you is special for it's different from the others" huh different from the others? Is it like Rayquaza "so where is it professor?"
He pulls out a PokeBall from his lab coat pocket and releases the pokemon and a pale Eevee comes out "this is Eevee your new pokemon" oh so that's what he meant by special "it's shiny where did you get it" " a colleague of mine helped me get this little guy it was hard but we managed to get it" "Wow I mean My first shiny wasn't even planned he just showed up and poof save hoenn and became partners"

"Ok enough chit chat let's get you to your journey here" professor oak the hands me eevee's PokeBall and five other PokeBalls and a Kanto dex" I'll take the PokeBalls but I already have a Pokedex" so I handed him back the Pokedex "well I'll be going now professor if you need anything just let me know" "goodbye then iron and good luck on your journey" as we said goodbye I head back downstairs and meet up with aunt delia and ash nowhere to be seen

"Hey aunt delia I'm back" "hello again shin so what Pokemon did you get?" Oh I forgot to send out Eevee " why do you see for your self come on out Eevee!" As I threw her PokeBall it opened and a beam of light struck down and Eevee has been revealed" oh what a cutie and your a shiny too your lucky shin treat her well" as I pick up Eevee and put her on my shoulder I said to aunt delia "don't worry I will" wait a minute where is ash anyway "hey aunt delia where's ash?" "Oh he already went ahead to viridian city to complete his journey"

"Wait he didn't wait for me!?!" "I guess he was to eager to start his journey. So shin are you gonna start your journey as well?" "I think I'll start tomorrow since I need to store my old pokemon from the hoenn away" " ok then let's head on home" so we started walking back to aunt Delia's home to rest. It was nighttime and we just finished dinner aunt delia was doing the dishes since she said 'your the guest you don't need to do anything'

So I'm in bed with Eevee sleeping already since they both fainted when they saw my team mainly since they saw Rayquaza and jirachi

A shiny crimson Rayquaza

A fast swimming swampert

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A fast swimming swampert

A fast swimming swampert

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