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Turns out loki was telling the truth about the little inmate gathering.

Guards showed up at like 5am dragged us out of bed and then expected us to socialise??

To hell with that.

Instead I am now sitting in the middle of the room trying to act buff whilst attempting to scare off any males.

Like I swear could they get any more hungry for it??

Loki disappears into the mess of inmates once they arrive, leaving me to fend for myself.

Who does that?!

I wander through the crowd, sliding into the back of a group of thin women with long hair draping down their backs and pointed ears.

Fae like me.

I slip out of their group and take a seat around the centre of the crowd.

It's better to be just one in the mass than one in the edges right?

I never take my eyes away from anyone for to long, trying to stay alert.

As we were walking over Loki told me to be careful, the only sign of his care he offered. It seemed more like a burden to say than anything else, as if he didn't really cared what happened to me.

"Hey gorgeous." A deep voice comes from behind me. I whip my head around, glaring at the bulky man around seven feet tall with a simple rag thrown over his waist and a fur covering sling over his shoulder. His face is dirty and scars are speckled along his hands and arms as he reaches for me, one arm wrapping around my waist, lower.

"Shove off." I snarl, trying and failing to pull away.

We are gaining more attention now as he grows agitated at my resistance.

"Shut up, you know you like it." He snaps, his face twisting into an ugly scowl.

"I really don't." I reply snarkily, lifting his hand from my ass.

"Come on babes, me show you my worth." He drawls, his hand travelling up my torso.

"I think you've already shown it." I mutter, giving a pointed glacé to the fur rug hardly covering his tiny dick.

Suddenly he freezes completely, his entire body tensing.

"Hi Dok." Loki drawls slyly, running a hand across the mans back and up to his shoulder, his long fingers dancing across his arms as he walks beside them. his face is painted in a sickly sweet smirk.

"L-Loki." The man stutters, clearly shitting himself in terror.

"Mind letting go of her." Loki continues, the venom in his tone not leaving any room for defiance.

He is at the peak of manipulation, his tone sweet but venomous as he runs a hand along his arm, the other slyly sneaking around my own waist.

The man shakily releases me and i stumble back, watching the interaction in shock.

"Now, leave." Loki orders, an odd toxic sweetness in his voice. The man scurries away surprisingly fast and Loki takes my arm harshly, dragging me away from the gazes of on watching inmates with his frozen fingers digging into my skin and his nails leaving little marks as he releases me.

"I told you to watch yourself." He hisses.

"I was!" I exclaim.

"Then why were you right in the middle of the crowd!"

"Cause everyone know you need to blend in the middle."

"No, you blend in along the edges, the middle draws attention." Loki replies like I'm dumb, "just stay here then." He sighs.

He moves to walk away but i follows quickly after him, "what don't leave me!" I hiss, trailing behind him.

"Stop following me." He snaps.

"Stop walking away then!"

He turns to me, clearly annoyed. "Alright fine." He sighs, "just stop being so loud."

He begins walking quickly through the crowd, not checking to see if i follows before stopping by the furthest corner from the crowd.

"So who are you?" I ask as i leans against the wall beside Loki.

"Already told you." He replies icily. His face is like stone and his arms crossed as he scans the room.

"Clearly not very well relating to that dude." I gestures to where the man is standing by the wall fiddling nervously and looking around himself, the picture of paranoia.

"I'm loki." He replies simply, "I'm extremely powerful, I'm a god, I should be king that's all."

"Your a god?" I exclaims, his latter statement completely flying over my head. "Yes." He sighs, staring out into the crowd.


For the next month we grew a mutual agreement of sarcastic comments and a mutual agreement not to hate each other.

This isn't like a friends thing, more common acquaintances.

Also there's this blonde dude who always visits loki but i never actually gets to see him properly, also one time this super hot redhead visited him, she didn't say anything to me though. I think she's playing hard to get.



A means to an end ~ Loki ~Where stories live. Discover now