Moonvasion Infinity War Part 3

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After watching the horrifying events on the moon, what Lunaris did to Donald and Penumbra and the beating and struggles they went through the entire Duck Family and friends were in a state of shock and speechlessness. They watched Donald Duck…the strongest warrior and mage out of them all and the true greatest adventurer in the world get beaten up, tossed around and defeated by a tyrannical moon overlord. He fought with every bit of power he could muster and that was not enough to defeat Lunaris at all.

Della: My brother…

Daisy: My boyfriend…

Lunaris evilly chuckles as he's stood next to the injured and battered Donald whose head he held up to face the video screen as he forced him on his knees.

Lunaris: As you can see not even the mighty and legendary Donald Duck, the Mage of Thunder could defeat me or stand up to the might of 3 Infinity Stones. Even working together with Captain Penumbra, neither of them had the strength to stop me.

Penumbra is still laid down against some gold scraps and debris of metal as Lunaris chuckles.

Lunaris: If this is what I can do to your greatest champion imagine what I will do to all of you, especially the children. When I find the other 6 Infinity Stones I will use them to destroy half the people of your planet and then enslave the other half. I will make you all understand true suffering like my people have for cycles and cement The Moon as the greatest planet in the universe!

Donald: The…The Moon…is not a planet…never was…never will be…

Lunaris gives Donald an annoyed frown before chuckling at the screen.

Lunaris: You know Della…I've been wanting to do this to you the moment you insulted our planet every time you kept saying it wasn't one, though I resisted the urge for the sake of maintaining my cover. Now that my intentions are known I have nothing to hide anymore. That means no more mercy…which is unfortunate for you because what I'm about to do to your brother is something I will do to you…so watch closely…

Della: W-what's he going to do to him? What's he going to do to my brother?

Lunaris holds up the Infinity Gauntlet and the Power Stone glows. With sadistic glee he pressed the Power Stone against the side of Donald's head and the Mage of Thunder releases a horrible scream of agony as the stone began burning his head and ripping him apart from within.

Della, Scrooge, Daisy and everyone else gasped in sheer horror and mortification at what they were seeing as they heard and watched Donald scream constantly.


Della & Daisy: DONALD!

Scrooge: LAD!


Selene: Dear Lord!

Launchpad: MR D!


The Power Stone is pressed harder and Donald's scream got louder and louder, unable to stand up to the destructive radiation from the Power Stone. Lunaris removes his fist with a sadistic chuckle.

Lunaris: I must say I'm quite impressed with Donald. Any ordinary person would've perished under the destructive radiation of the Power Stone. But this one was able to resist. Remarkable. However…I do wonder if he can handle the radiation of Two Stones.

He holds up the gauntlet and to the horror of everyone in the room the Power and Space Stone are glowing. Some of them are shaking their heads in fear for the next does of torture Donald's going to get.

Ducktales Movie 3 - Moonvasion Infinity WarWhere stories live. Discover now