Chapter 4: First School Fight:

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The next morning, instead of feeling excited to go to school he felt a sense of fear. As he awoke, he felt himself tremble a little bit. The morning was cold so he blamed it on the bitter air, yet he had a second thought that it was from fear.

As he walked through the school gates, he sensed an essence of hostility in the air. He shrugged it off and continued walking. He decided to explore around the school as he came a little early. He found a little woodland area beside one of the gym halls and decided to explore, his curiosity getting the better of him. As he walked up the small slope, he could feel the grass make his ankles tingle. He looked up and saw the leafless trees, their bare, yet long and thick branches towering over him. He could hear the birds singing, as the cold, yet soft breeze touched his skin like the bitter gusts at the peak of an icy mountain. But as he enjoyed the ambience of this little woodland area he felt at home at, he felt himself be thrust into the trunk of the larger tree he had gazed upon its branches.

"Hey, look everyone! It's a poor, little puppy!" He heard a familiar voice say. As he opened his eyes, he widened them in fear. It was the human girls who tortured her, Jake, Dylan, Hunter, Autumn, and Tala. Jay trembled as he saw one of the girls glare at him with a menacing expression. "Since he stumbled into our place, let's teach the little puppy a lesson, shall we?"

Jay could feel himself tremble, but he stood up to prove his strength. Gritting his teeth and fisting both his hands, Jay had enough. It was then the girls stood back a little as Jay's eyes started glowing an icy-blue colour. They glowed like blue flames in both his irises. Preparing himself with a few deep breaths, Jay faced his opponents with a fierce demeanour.

"You don't know who you're messing with, mutt." The girls stared at him with a more menacing look. "Looks like you've crossed the line."

And with that, the girls came closer and closer. Jay felt scared but dared not show it. Then unexpectedly, he stood up and shared a fierce, glowing glare with them. But all of a sudden, he prowled closer to them. The girls started to laugh with amusement. To them, Jay was the strangest kid they'd ever met. Little did they know, Jay was about to teach them a lesson instead.

As he looked up with his glowing eyes, he stared at the girls. With a confident deep tone, he said, "You say I've crossed the line, yet you're the ones creating the drama. Isn't that a fact?" He bared his teeth, a sudden strength urging him to pin them both against the tree. "You wanna know something else? I think you're the ones messing with me."

The girls then pushed him over onto the moist dirt, laughing at pointing at Jay, intimidating him like he was nothing. They turned around, laughing amongst themselves. But as they turned around, Jay had turned to his form.

"Hey Bailey, look! The poor, little peasant puppy is one! Hahaha!!!" The girl giggled to her friend.

Jay started to breathe heavily with anger as he unsheathed his claws, his eyes narrowing as he huffed. His eyes glowed even mightier with fury as he pounced towards the girls with great strength in his front paws as he pinned them down.

He then looked at himself for a second, realising what he had done. He let the girls go and stepped back a little. He went behind a tree and changed back. He then saw he'd angered the girls a little more, gulping as he saw them tower over him. Beaten and bruised, he stood up with a mild wince. Knowing the human girls now knew about his form, he took his advantage. But before he could even shift, he was thrust into the tree once more and blacked out from the blow. 

A few minutes later, he awoke all alone in the woodland area. He saw his paw was on his chest and he had healed himself parshly in his unconsciousness. Standing up without a moment to lose, he rushed to his friends' meetup spot in an instant. But as he went to, he tripped over. He saw that from the fight, he had a large cut on his leg and a painful scrape on his knee on his right leg. Limping, he exclaimed and hissed in pain as he travelled forward.

Meanwhile, Jake and Dylan were sat at a wooden picnic table further down in the woodland area.

"Hey, Dylan," Jake looked at his friend with concern. "Do you have any idea where Jay might be? I didn't see him in Maths earlier."

Dylan shrugged. But as he did, he immediately spotted Jay limping and ran over to his friend, guiding him to the picnic table. Jake saw Jay too and helped him too. Jay groaned in frustration at his leg as he sat down with a painful wince.

"What happened, Jay? Where were you?" Jake asked, worried for his injured friend.

Jay sighed, trying to rest his leg on the spare seat space opposite him which was next to Dylan. As he did try to move it onto the bench, he winced and exclaimed in pain. "Try and heal it, Jay. You can do it. Just as your dad taught you."

He nodded, putting his hand on his thigh as he saw the golden glow moved to his wounds and heal them like magic. He sighed as he moved his leg back underneath the table. He found school tough, knowing it'd get tougher. As he did know this, he kept his fear to himself and stayed confident for his parents and his friends. School wasn't easy, neither was life. He just had to deal with it for a bit longer.

As he made it home, he told his parents about his day, not telling them of him turning to his form in front of two human students. He had to keep that to himself for a bit until he was confident enough.

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