Chapter 25

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Deshaes POV

She was here. She was really here.

After three confusing weeks, I got to finally see her face again. The time I had spent away from her presence had made me realise how disgusting my behaviour towards her was. I had yet to be able to actually have a real conversation with her yet but I knew the time was to come soon.

When I first saw her this morning, I thought that she had somehow become even more beautiful since the last time I saw her.

A and Sapphire were off doing something no one probably wanted to know about and my mum had retired to her bedroom for the rest of the evening ,claiming to I quote 'watch some good shit with any of you man bothering me with your bs'.

Did she even love me at this point?

Stepping into my room, I sighed at the empty feel of it. I probably spent only a quarter of my day in this room. I'd barely tried to decorate it or so much as give it a homely, safe feel. I flopped onto my bed in deep thought of who to ask to help me with this new task. I don't know why I had suddenly wanted to make it become a better place for me but I just knew that I wanted this. Maybe I would ask her tomorrow. No I shouldn't disturb her. I couldn't decide what to do and it was messing with my head.

Unable to sleep, I got up from my bed and scrolled through my requests of targets people wanted dead. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I found a good one.

John Smith

Age: 49

Reason: rapist, abuser, child and women trafficking

Death: have as much fun with him as you want but make sure he dies a painful death.

This was good enough. I slipped on my outfit and silently made my way to the front door. "And where do you think you're going?" Turning around in fright, I saw my mother on her rocking chair sipping a glass of what seemed to be whiskey.

"Mum what are you doing? It's 4 in the morning!" I whisper-yelled at her.

"I could say the same for you. Hmm. Tryna sneak out and shit thinking you're slick. I could literally hear you the minute your loud arse got out of bed. Nonsense. Just let me live a little. So where are you going then?"

"To kill someone," She didn't even looked phased.

"Why? And how much?"

"Rapist, abuser and women and child trafficker. Oh and I'm getting 2.5 million for it,"

"I'll keep some of that money safe for you. You know how you are. And make sure you make that motherfucker scream. I ain't raise you to be letting bitches like him off easy." Looking at me pointedly, she downed the rest of her glass, came over and kissed my forehead.

"Come back in one piece." I nodded with a soft smile on my face. "No seriously, I can't be bothered to be stitching your arse up tomorrow." Well that didn't just totally kill my mood.

Rolling my eyes, I said bye to her and stepped out into the cold night. Time to kill a bitch.

Breaking into this guys house was as easy as opening the front door. No for real he left the door unlocked so I just walked in. Dumb arse.

I barely made a sound as I made my way over to his bed. "Wakey wakey biatch,"I grinned maliciously. He slowly cracked an eye open and widened his sweet corn filled mouth to scream.

"Ah ah ah." I quickly stuffed one of his socks I found in the floor in his mouth and duct taped it shut. "Night night." And with that I knocked him out cold.

Dragging his body down the flights of stairs must have woken up the remaining residents of the house as a woman and a child came out of a room looking shaken to their core. I assumed this was the sick guys wife and kid. "Are you his wife and child?" They nodded and kept their focus down on the floor.

I dropped the guys body and walked up to them. Taking out the stacks that I kept in my pocket I put them in the woman's hands and closed them. "This is 5 million. Take it and go start a new life. I promise no one will come looking for you." Tears formed in her eyes and she repeated the words 'thank you' over and over again.

Giving them one last smile, I walked out of the house to my car to go and torture the son of a bitch. Guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

"Please please please mercy I'll do anything! Ahhhh stop please!" The sounds of his screams were music to my ears. Watching him writhe in pain and shout at the top of his lungs was an addiction. "Did you stop when those girls asked you to? Or how about those children?" He stayed quiet. "Answer me then!" He hung his head and shook it slowly. He'd finally accepted his fate. "Good, you understand now you sick fuck." With a smile on my face, I began to chop of all of his toes and pry his finger nails off too. I stabbed his eyes with a dagger soaked in acid and saw him on the verge of passing out. But I couldn't have that.

Injecting him with adrenaline to keep him awake, I carried on with my work.

When I was done he looked like a piece of art. A masterpiece. No ears, toes or dick. Blood streaming from the words I had carved into his back. The dagger still sticking out of his eye and the salt and acid I had doused him in burning his skin off with every passing second. He was still whimpering when I was admiring my work so I gave him something to really cry about. I shot both of his kneecaps and pulled a knife down his back. To finish him off, I dumped him in a pool of water filled with piranhas and watched as he tried to escape, but failed miserably. He was drowning while the piranhas devoured him alive. I stood there until there was nothing left but a pool of red.

Whistling a little tune, I strolled out of there and smiled as the cold air hit my stained face. I was the devil, I knew that. But at that moment I couldn't care less.

As I walked towards my house, I kept thinking back to the sea of ruby shimmering in the dim light. What a wonderful sight.

Red. My favourite colour.

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