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Ink's POV

"I'm home!!!" I exclaimed as I entered the Star Sanses base
"Welcome back Ink!" Blue exclaimed
"Make yourself at home! Haha" Dream said and walked towards me,we are currently at the living room
"Btw Ink...one AU was being destroyed today..." Dream added
I was shock
"What..?" I asked as we both sat down on the sofa
"I know right? I-" Dream said but I cut him off
"That's impossible! How come I haven't felt it?!" I asked
"I haven't felt it either! It's like...the Au just disappeared or something..." He muttered
"Maybe the bad guys-" Blue said but I cut him off
"No no...i-it can't be them!
They wouldn't betray the truce...would they?" I asked and now worried
"Well...we're gonna ask them" Dream said
"Btw...what Au is it?" I asked
"Sugartale.." He murmured
Ugh...who would destroy that Au!?
If I found out someone will betray the deal...I'm gonna kick their ass
"Let's eat dinner now,shall we?" Blue asked
I stood up
"I'm gonna ask them now instead" I said then grabbed my brush
"I'm coming!" Dream exclaimed but I stopped him
"Please,I got this
Just stay here you two" I said then made a portal on the floor and hopped in

I'm now infront of Nightmare's castle
"Hєч Ink!,whαt αrє чσu dσíng hєrє?" Someone suddenly asked,I turned around to see Abyss who flew and landed infront of me
"Oh hey Abyss,what u doing here?" I asked
"I αѕkєd чσu fírѕt" he said
"Fine...I'm just here to talk something with Nightmare's gang" I said
"dídn't чσu knσw thαt σnє AU wαѕ вєíng dєѕtrσчєd вч ѕσmєσnє?! ít'ѕ mαч вє thєm σf cσurѕє!" He exclaimed
We're still not sure" I said then opened the double door
I saw the gang was on the living room just watching tv
"How about this,I'll ask Nightmare and his gang,while you ask Error" I said
"σkαч thєn" he said then flew away
I sighed then entered the room,they still didn't notice me tho
"Good eve guys!" I greeted,I noticed that Nightmare is not here
"Oh hey Ink! Good eve!" The MTT exclaimed also Cross
"Hey Killer,can u call Nightmare here because I'm gonna have to talk to you guys about something" I said
"Ok then" Killer said then teleported away
I sat down beside Cross
"What are u gonna talk about?" Cross asked
I was about to talk until Nightmare was already here with Killer
They then sat down on the sofa

"What is it Ink?" Nightmare asked
I took a deep breath first
"Did u destroy an AU?" I asked
"Au? What Au?" Dust asked
"No we haven't, of course we won't betray the deal" Nightmare said
"But one AU was being destroyed today" I simply said
They look shock
"Maybe Error..?" Killer said
"What AU?" Dust asked
"Sugartale" I said
"Noooooo! My fav AU!!!" Horror whined
"How did you know?" Cross asked
"Dream told me" I said
"To be honest,I'm just on my room in the whole day" Nightmare said
"Well...I was with Dream earlier but came home soon of course" Cross said
"In the morning,I'm hanging out with Killer and Horror,but in the afternoon,I've been staying here in the castle till now" Dust explained
"In the afternoon,I went to library to read books and now...to watch tv" Killer said
"In the afternoon,I went on hunting,and now...watching tv as u can see" Horror said
"You can also watch the cctvs tho in my office" Nightmare said
*sigh* could it be Error..?
I stood up and grabbed my paintbrush

"It's okay,I got the informations I wanted,and...you already gained my trust guys, see yah later then" I said then made a portal on the floor and stepped in
I'm back at my base,in the living room
"Oh hєч Ink" Abyss greeted who was sipping tea on the sofa
"Ink,me and Blue already ate dinner,u should be too" Dream said who was typing something on his phone
"Btw,Errσr tσld mє hє hαvєn't dєѕtrσчєd αn AU...mσrє líkє hє nєvєr díd αnчmσrє вєcαuѕє σf thє trucє u guчѕ mαdє
hє tσld mє thαt hє'ѕ вєєn ín thє αntí-vσíd ín thє whσlє dαч" Abyss explained
"Oh I see..thank u for the information Abyss" I said
"hσw αвσut thє gαng?" He asked
"Well...they haven't, and I know they're telling the truth" I said
"Then...who would it be?" Blue asked
Abyss was now done drinking his tea then stood up
"In thíѕ cαѕє...Ink,Drєαm...
Wє'rє gσnnα hαvє α mєєtíng tσmσrrσw... ín thє guαrdíαnѕ mєєtíng plαcє" Abyss said and made a portal beside him
"What time?" Dream asked
"Im juѕt gσnnα ínfσrm чσu tσmσrrσw ѕσ...вє guídєd
I'm ѕtíll gσnnα hαvє α tαlk tσ thє σthєr guαrdíαnѕ thσ" Abyss said then entered his portal and closed it from behind

"Aww...I wish I'm a member too" Blue whined
"Aww it's okay Blue,you're still a magnificent protector tho" I said
"Yeah,btw,I need to sleep now,goodnight everyone!" Dream exclaimed
"Okie! Goodnight to you too Dream!" Blue exclaimed
I huffed then sat down beside Blue
"Aren't you gonna eat?" Blue asked
"Nah..." I muttered
"Ok then"

So boring...what am I gonna do now..I'm also tired..
Hmm...how about I'll check my phone if there's some messages
Cuz I sometimes turn off the notifs tho hahaha
I grabbed my phone from my pocket then opened it
Oh,I was right,my phone is silent...
I turned on my notification as so many of them suddenly popped up
Some of missed calls and some of unread messages
The missed calls was Error's, Nightmare's ,and Reaper's
While the unread messages was Error's
I opened it and started reading it

'Hey Ink,Abyss came here and asked me if I destroy an AU,it's also hard to convince him that I did not tho...'

'Btw what u doing? It's like you've always been busy and no time to chat with me anymore..'

'I wonder who destroyed an AU
But me,I was just here in my Anti-Void in the whole day,plus bored
I would also never betray our truce tho,well....except for the first one,but now,I will not do it anymore.'

'Oh hey Error,sorry if late reply cuz yeah I've been busy,and my phone was being muted'

I replied
I was still waiting if he would reply or not...
I looked at beside me to see Blue was not on my side anymore
Maybe he went to his room now...to sleep
I shrugged and looked back at my phone and wait if he would reply...

1 hour later

He didn't reply...so...I drifted off to sleep on the sofa...

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now