An Attempt Of Suicide: Chapter 1

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Tw: Suicide

Nathans P.o.v

This was it. I'm ready he stood in front of the lake in the woods where he had been planning to commit Suicide. I never knew how to swim but that was the point.

Moments away from ending all my pain and  plunging to my death I see a small little pink thing I couldn't make it out at first since I didn't have the best vision.

It kept getting closer so I hid behind a tree. It finally got close enough to tell it was a kid and they were..crying?" I came out from behind the tree and I stood in front of them "Are you lost..?" I bent down to her "why are you crying..?"

She was curled in a little ball with her knees to her chest she looked up to me "what are you doing here...?" she asked with her small kind of high pitched voice

"Well I um....came here to commit suicide...."  I responded with hesitation

I changed the topic quickly "Kid why are YOU out here?"

She snapped quickly "I'm not a kid! I'm fourteen!" She stood up "wait.." she started examining me "hold up your not a fairy are you..?" I looked at her strangely "No...?"

She started running away quickly "Wait! Where are you going?!!" I started running after her "wait does she have..wings?"

She looked back at me she was still running She looked at me terrified "GET AWAY FROM ME HUNTER!" She started flapping her wings and she started to fly "Woah! That's awesome!" I screamed in response "Wait! I'm not gonna hurt you I promise!"

"I WAS TOLD TO NEVER TRUST HUMANS!" She screamed in response

I was completely confused by her "Why?!" I yelled in response

"They hunt fairies don't you know?!" she was still flying away but she slowed down a bit I'm assuming she was just getting tired. She put her hand on her head as if she was getting lightheaded

she started coming down slowly  "No No No!" she started freaking out before her wings gave out on her I ran as fast as I could. Luckily I caught her.

I was about to ask if she was okay but she kicked me. she fell to the ground and she started scooting away quickly 

"I'm not gonna hurt you! Why are you scared of me?!" 

"Humans hunt fairies don't you know?" 

"No I didn't know......" 

She examined me again "You don't have any weapons..." 

"I told you I didn't know they hunted fairies so how could I hunt any if I didn't know they did..but anyway back to you why are you out here?" 

"Me and my sister got into a fight that lake is usually where I go to cool off from her."

"What's your name?" I asked gently "Camille" she responded "you?" "Nathan" I replied back 

"I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention earlier what did you say you were out here for" Camille asked kind of looking embarrassed 

I responded with one word "Suicide" 

She quickly looked at me worried "Oh my god are you okay?!.....wait why were you near the lake then?" 

"I can't swim" I responded I looked kind of embarrassed since I felt like I should know how to swim 

"I can't swim either hehe.." She responded quietly 

"you can't? I  thought I was the only one!" I started laughing a bit she did too 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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