Chapter 14

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Suddenly Naren phone start ringing he attend all colour from his face drain her mother is admitted in hospital Kabir shekhwat, naren and Naina start heading to hospital while giving instruction to her brother to care of her

Naksh ( 9 yr old )

Mom, dad and uncle has to go for some work me and my brothers start taking care of our princess who is sleeping peacefully on bed We are ingross in playing we didn't notice that it's been an hour but no one of them it's not return yet

        Suddenly door burst open and veer uncle with adhiraj enter in he told us that we have to go somewhere it's urgent I quickly take my baby sis in my arm make sure not to wake her up we all quickly enter in car after half an hour we stand in front of hospital why we are here is something no no.i shrug negative thoughts from my mind  I look at my angel who is still sleeping we enter in hospital and notice aunty is also there

      " I am sorry to inform you all mr shekhwat is no more " he said we all look at him shocked at look at did whose eyes fill tears he lost his mother due to cancer it seem that he lost himself but Natasha bring a ray of shine in his life but the next thing snatch out breathe from us

         " veer uncle what is happening " I ask him he kneel down in front of me

  " your grandmother is no more when your father come to know about this he want to come hospital as soon an possible but in their way they all meet with an accident " he said and our eyes start filling with tear

   " King and queen also doesn't have that much they want to meet their kids " he said we quickly enter in room and look at mom dad who is lying lifeless with so much machines attached to them

  " Come here my boys " he said we stand in front of him he remove his mask from his mouth

  " can you all made a promise to me " he mutter while brathing heavily we all nodded

  " From today..y...on..w.ards..yo..ur you all will play parents role in her life " he said we all nod

  " promise you papa our sis will be our life we will raise her but please don't leave us " we all said I look at sidarth who is going towards mom

  " we will never leave you we will stay with you always in your go outside and send veer uncle your uma and abhiraj here " we all come outside sidharth is still inside  uncle and his family go inside after some time they all come outside uma aunty come outside and hug all of us
End of naksh pov

After 2 hours
The news of Oberoi and Shelhawat family being dead in an accident spread like fire King Veer Singh with the help of his some trustworthy men spread the news due to blast bodies of the family can't find the whole family turn into ashes
   Many celebrate their victory bcoz they succeed in their plan on killing on whole family but little they knew destruction start now

  Naksh , Abhraj and his brother look at the fire which surrounded whole palce the hold each other hand

  " promise you we will take our revenge the day these heirs come back to their motherland is last day of their enemies on earth "


Happy Diwali to all of you my friends God may fulfil your every wish your dreams come true always be happy never let sadness consume you

     Your smile is worth of million dollars ❤❤❤

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