My First pt. 2

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  • Dedicated kay cameron rodelas

" My First "

I learned how to LOVE because of you

I learned how to SMILE when i met you

I learned how to CARE when i'm with you 

But I turned you down and I realize that I just  learned to HURT you

Everynight I wish upon the stars

Wishing that you'll forgive me and give me another chance somehow

If I can just kneel in front of you

If i can just say sorry personally to you

I would................................ But I can't

'cause you're with her and you just loved again

So by this time I'm gonna let you go

But before that I just want you to know

that please don't forget me eventhough

So when i wake up tomorrow I know that you're happy with someone else




Through My Words to Your ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon