Chapter 3 |Our Final Goodbye|

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/Authors note\


 Hi guys! Sorry for not posting last week, I've been pretty busy with school and sorts. This will contain Squid Games spoilers!! This chapter will not have much angst, but the next one(s) will. In these parts, there will be different reactions and dialog from the original episode. I hope you all enjoy it, and let me know if you'd like an epilogue! 


In the morning, Sae-Byeok tried her best to avoid 240, she truly did. But on the other hand, she wanted to get to know her better.

For some reason she felt connected to 240, like a magnet. When she heard that for the next game you needed to find a partner, 067 was stuck between going with her gut and finding a man to play with, or playing with 240.

As she scanned the room, she heard someone come up behind her.

"Hey." The voice she was all so familiar with said.

As Sae-byoek turned, she was met with the same face she was admiring the night before.

"Wanna do this?" 240 asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Why should I?" She questioned, though she already knew she would accept the offer.

"I can't picture you going around here and begging these jerks. Hmm? Embarrassing." The smaller girl taunts, looking around.

"What matters is winning. Embarrassing or not."

"Then play with me. I'll make sure you win."

"What will you do?" 067 asks as her heartbeat quickens.

"Whatever it takes." The other assures, nodding.

"What do you see in me?" She was starting to feel too 'in charge'.

"Well, I wanted to ask you that."

"You were someone who looked like they would come with me." Sae-Byeok confesses.

"That's how I feel." 240 says, staring right into the taller girl's eyes, putting her hand out infront of her.

Ignoring her gut, 067 slowly shakes 240's hand. Her heart feels as if it were about to explode. She knew that she wanted to protect the girl, no matter what.

After making it to her and 240's spot for the game, she spares a few glances at her partner. Her skin was glowing, it was most likely from sweat, but she didn't seem to mind. Even without any combs or products, her hair looked great. Her height was perfect too of course. She imagined how it would feel to hug her. The girl's head would fit perfectly into her shoulder. She quickly reverts her eyes as the announcer starts to speak.

"In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of choice with you partner. The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins."

As her and 240's eyes meet, she could've sworn she heard her heart drop.

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