the pig lovers

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Once apon a time there was 2 pigs called porsche and codie.
They was secretly gay.
But there was a secret, they both are secretly dating.
No one knows except there shared best friend...... the bin
Porsche was happy,
Codie was not.
Codie infact loved her best friend they was infact soulmates
And codie and Porsche was platonic soulmates
Yet they both didn't know everything would go down hill.
A girl
A girl
Inlove it was forbidden yet the still took the risk and dated.
Codie with her fishy breath and Porsche with her stinky musty ass hair.
It's stupid but not there's.
They loved eachover glancing at each other in class.
There hot breaths next to each other when there in the school bathroom.
She was a Boston girl
The other was a estater.
Her house was messy,
Hers was a slag house.
Codie and Porsche were in fact
There must hot breath People could smell from a mile away.
Even dog shit reminded people of them.

She admitted it,
Her love for the bin to codie
Standing there while codie, was on the floor crying her eyes out.
They wasn't made for eachover.
Codie loved her over best friend.


Porsche loved the bin.

Yet they was happy with their new relationship.

They still loved eachover.

I guess they was made for eachover but loved eachover





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