Part 2

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D/derekR/rosén H/hazelNiaKobeQ/swagboyq —————————————————————————————————————————————

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*skip time at lunch*

Narrators pov
The girls go to where the regularly sit, and then kobe and his friends come to there table kobe sits next to rosén and derek its by hazel then q sits next to nia.
End of pov

The girls-"why yall over here"

Q-"because we want to"

D-"right" sits hazel on his lap

H-"derek" hazel whispers in his ear


H-"take me off your lap derek" hazel says trying to get off

D-"stop moving you going make me hard"

Nia-"yall good"


R-"well y'all wanna have a sleepover at my place"

The boys-"yeah"

R-"ight no freaky shit I don't wanna hear yall moans"

Kobe-"but they going hear yours"


Nia-"kobe rosén wants you to dick her dow-"


Time skip end of the day*

Rosén goes to her car, and everyone else gets in and she drives to her place.

At home*
They all go inside the house and kobe runs upstairs and jumps on roséns bed

R-"get off kobe i made up my bed earlier"

Kobe-*pulls rosén onto him*

Narrators pov
As kobe pulls rosén onto him she gets butterflies throughout her whole body 🦋


221 words


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