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I can't function only writing one story at a time so here is so dreamnap for y'all <3

It was a pretty normal day for Sapnap, wake up, go to school, sleep during homeroom and over all ignore everyone around him. But in the halls he was stopped by a boy.

"What's up babes" he says, making Sapnap immediately get uncomfortable. "You wanna hang out this weekend you know, just you and me" Sapnap freezes trying to find a way out.

"I-" he stammers "I have a boyfriend" Sapnap blurts out.

"Oh do you now?" he questions suspiciously.

"Mhm yeah" Sapnap says, trying to keep his cool. "He doesn't go here" he says 'nice going Sapnap that was a clear give away' Sapnap thought to himself.

"Mhm? Well then he will be fine with hanging out with me and a couple friends this weekend, you are invited of course. That is unless hes not real. In which case.. I don't like being rejected" he said in almost a growl.

"Oh yeah of course we will be there, I promise. Text me on snap chat about the details." Sapnap says before wuickly walking off relizing what he just got himself into.

After school he paced around his room thinking of how to fix this 'wait.. I'll just get a fake boyfriend for the day' he thought. The only guy he knew who went to a different school was his friend George. So he texted him immediately.

Sapnap💪: SOS answer when you can
George🥸: Yo whats up?
Sapnap💪:Ok weird question but can you pretend to be my fake boyfriend to get this guy off my ass. We will just have to go on a fake date
George🥸:Yeah totally I'm down I got you bro when is it
George🥸:Shit why couldn't it be any other day. Thats my sistdrs birthday meaning my mom basically has me on house arrest.
Sapnap💪:Damnit do you have any friends who go to your school who mighy be able to come with me? I know it's weird but I dug myself into a hole that I can't get out of
George🥸:hold up I'll be right back let me ask someone

About 20 minutes had passed and Sapnap was giving up hope 'how the hell do I get myself out of this' he thought laying on his bed with a huff. Suddenly he heard his phone go off.

George🥸:Got you a mans

He did a mini victoy dance but it was introupted by another text.

Unknown number:Hey this is George's friend Dream I'm here to stand in as your boyfriend to save you from creepy men :)
Sapnap: Dude you are literally a life saver you have no idea. Thank you so much.
Dream:Of course don't worry about it, I know people suck.
Sapnap:Ok so the plan is we are going to the movies st 2 on Saturday. All we have to do is pretend we are dating or atleast know eachother.
Dream:sounds great
Dream:you wanna talk a bit so we can get to know eachother a bit to make it less awkward the day of?
Sapnap:Yeah sure

The conversation proceeded to go on until late that night. Tomorrow was the day where they had to fake it all.

word count:535

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