Merci Beau

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Wade couldn't complain about their job at the university library. The pay was good, their job wasn't too complicated, they had plenty of time to read in between their tasks and there was just something calming about working in a library.

It was the perfect job really.

Sometimes they did need to interact with other human beings but most students knew their way around the place, thus there were days where Wade only needed to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!"

Again the perfect job.

At least until a certain French man named Peter ruined their routine.

Wade didn't quite know the guy, but they had seen him on campus before. He hangs out a lot with Tony and Natasha, whom Wade knows... albeit reluctantly.

The problem with Peter was that Wade had a big fat crush on him and had a lot of trouble forming coherent sentences when speaking to him. Not that they didn't try...

The first time the two of them met Wade had been stacking books in the shelves when Peter had cleared his throat behind them. Wade had muttered something about finishing putting away the last book when they turned around and lost any ability to speak.

Peter was a bombshell of a guy, straight up model material. Warm brown eyes, plump red lips and beautiful locks of curly brown hair. If they hadn't known they were interested in men the realisation would have slapped them in the face like a truck once again.

"Ehm, hi!" they squeaked out.

"Salut beauté," Peter said. Wade felt themselves scream internally at his sultry voice and that French accent.

Peter seemed oblivious to the internal chaos inside Wade's head.

"Can I help you?" Wade finally managed, after ten seconds of the French man looking at them amused.

"Oh, yes! I am looking for books for my classes. I am new to the English university system. I am from France, you see." He smiled brightly. Wade couldn't do anything but nod.

"So... Can you help me?" Wade already knew they couldn't deny this guy anything.

"Yes... ah... Do you have a list?"

Peter nodded, going through His purse. He got out a list and passed it on to Wade. For a fleeting moment their fingers touched and it felt like lightning going through Wade's arm, making them drop the list. They both bent down and tried to pick up the paper at the same time, hands touching once more. Wade's face was red as a tomato.

Peter giggled. "Sorry, I seem to be particularly clumsy today."

"It's alright." Wade smiled, hoping it didn't look like a grimace.

Wade looked at the list, hoping it would distract them from the other man's beautiful eyes.

They read the title of the list: "Required readings: Master in Anglo-French history."

"Oh, you like history!" Wade smiled and relaxed a little, this was common ground, they liked history too. Wade was still finishing up their bachelor in history but the masters Peter was doing was one they had had their eye on too.

"I know where these books are! Follow me, sir."

They started walking towards the place, quickly before they started losing this newfound bravery.

"You can call me Peter." the French man said as he turned to follow them with a particular twinkle in his eye.

"N-nice to meet you Pete, I'm Wade Summers," they managed, mentally congratulating themselves.

"Sharing the name with some of the most powerful people in history." Peter noted.

Wade let out a bashful smile, "Ahah, yes. Indeed!" then to show that they too knew something of French history, "and you with Peter the Great."

"En effet. You like history too?"

"Oh I love it, I spend all my free time reading up all the history books this library contains."

In the meantime both of them had arrived at the bookshelves in question.

"That's lovely dear! We should get a coffee sometime and talk about it."

"Yeah, and then you can teach me something about Franco-British relations!" Wade smiled so bright, excited at the prospect of nerding out with a fellow history buff. They looked away to look for the books on the list, missing the rosy tint rising to Peters' cheeks.

"Here you go!" Wade said triumphantly, getting out the three required readings for Peter.

"Thank you so much, beau!" Peter smiled.

The two looked at eachother, Wade not quite knowing what to say. "So, if that's all, I'll have to get back to work."

"Ah, yes of course!" The French man took the books and looked at the time. "My apologies for keeping you from your work!"

"Oh no no, it was my pleasure!"

"Ah, alright then!" the French man seemed a bit flustered, "Well, I'll see you another time for a discussion about those Franco-English relations between us then!"

He winked before walking away.

"Oh, sure!" Wade managed with a small wave at his retreating back.

Before realizing the possible double-entendre that sentence carried. It must have just been a mistake from a non native-English speaker, they reasoned, calming down their rapidly beating heart. Or perhaps a Freudian-slip. There was no way a guy like Peter just flirted with them. It was impossible.

Or was it...?

This is the end of the story :) Let me know if you guys want me to actually continue it. <3

Merci Beau (Spideypool - Library Au)Where stories live. Discover now