Chapter 7

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Alone's POV

"I must say Uleanra, youve gotten quite good at keeping quiet." I smirked, looking at the bloody, barely consious body beneath me. "Or is it just because of that kid? Are you trying to spare her the trauma?"

"Y-yes.." Uleanra sputtered out.

"Interesting. Now, get yourself cleaned up. If the kid sees you like this I'll kill you with my bare hands."

Uleanra nodded quickly and started trying to stand. Pathetic. I went downstairs and opened the door. Outside, Selozar and Y/N were nowhere to be seen, but, there was a fort, a pile of snowballs, and a whole assortment of snowmen and snow angels. It was easy to see which of the angels Y/N had made, as they were much smaller. I stepped outside and looked for the two.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit-" I heard Selozar panic. "What the fuck do I do-"

I turned my head to the noise. Selozar was sitting in the snow fort holding Y/N close to his chest. She was shivering. Hard. I stepped into the fort and inspected the scene, wondering what the issue was. Then, it hit me like a pound of bricks.

I told them to stay outside two hours ago.. Y/N doesn't have a coat..

I snatched Y/N out of Selozars arms.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I screamed at him, quickly taking off my sweater and wrapping it up around her. "YOU SHOULD'VE COME IN WHEN SHE STARTED GETTING COLD!"

"B-but," Selozar whispered. "You told me to take her outside.. and to stay outside.."

"Does it look like this is what I meant?!"

Y/N whimpered softly and stirred in my arms. She was getting colder. I hugged her close to me and kicked Selozar right in the gut before rushing inside.

Once I was inside, I lit a fire in the fireplace and set down Y/N in front of it so that she'd warm up. I looked around for Selozar and Uleanra. Selozar was still in the snow holding his stomach and Uleanra was probably still upstairs. Once I was sure that no one else was around, I faced Y/N.

"I'm so sorry kiddo, I shouldn't have made you go out there. Do you need anything?"

Y/N smiled softly at me. She pulled my sweater, which was still wrapped around her, closer and nodded.

"Can you read me a book?"

Shit. Its been ages since I've seen a childrens book in this house. There's probably something in my room somewhere. I told her i'd go grab one, and rushed upstairs to my room. I sorted through the boxes in my closet trying to find the one labeled books. I don't take it out very often.

I didn't find my book box, but I did find one labeled 'my fucking kid shit'. Yeah. I'll find something in here. When I opened it, I saw three things in the box. A warm set of pajamas, a book, and a stuffed animal. I picked up the stuffed animal and looked it over. It was a teddy bear. I used to love this thing when I was younger, but I've grown to hate it. I never knew why I kept this stuff, but I think I have a reason now. Holding the box, I went back downstairs to Y/N.

"I got a book!" I smiled. "And something to help warm you up."

I opened the box and took out the set of pajamas. I helped get Y/N dressed in them, and then sat down with her in front of the fire. I gave her the teddy bear, and she hugged it, smiling. She sat down on my lap and snuggled close into me.

"Okay kiddo. I got a book from when I was a kid. You might not know it, but I think you'll like it." I said, ruffling her hair. "Its called The Little Engine That Could."

AloneTraveler x Fem! Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now