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Jimin's pov 

Ever since that night, everywhere I went I felt watched. I was getting paranoid but tried to convince myself that it was a prank. It was October after all. Spooky season.

I was so paranoid that I didn't even realize that my birthday was a week away until I was walking to school.

"Morning Jiminie! You're birthdays in a week!" Jungkook ran over to me excitedly. "Is it?" I asked puzzled. He laughed. "How can you forget your own birthday?" He says through laughs. 

"I don't know, I just have a lot on my plate right now." I say not matching his happy energy. He sighed causing me to look at him. I felt guilty. He was only trying to cheer me up, but I a couldn't even force a smile.

I looked at the younger apologetically. "How about we go to the mall later today?" I suggested. His face lit up almost immediately. "I'll get you a present!" He adds. 

I smile feeling better knowing I made him smile. I hadn't spoken with Taehyung since I confronted him. 

He tried approaching me multiple times since then, but i chose to drive my feet away from him although my heart was begging to stay. 

I clenched my teeth at the most recent memory of Taehyung approaching me during lunch break. Even though, Jungkook and Tae were friends before, they stopped hanging out and Jungkook always stayed by my side. 

We reached the school gate and exchanged quick 'goodbyes' before splitting up to go to our lockers. I opened my locker and saw a piece of paper fall down slowly.

I bent down and picked it up. 

It read; what mall are you going to?

I quickly dropped the paper. Not again. Who was stalking me? And how were they close enough to hear our conversation?

I grabbed the textbook I needed for the next class and scrambled to the classroom not caring which seat I sat in. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked to my left. 



Why did it have to be him?

"S-sorry. I'll sit somewhere else." I use as an excuse to move. "No, please stay." His eyes gleamed with hope and I couldn't say no to his puppy eyes. 

"Fine." I heaved my bag back onto the floor and saw his boxy smile that I hated to admit I missed. 

Class started a few minutes later. Our language professor stormed in angrily holding a English textbook in his hand.

"Who took my textbook and drew a smiley face in the middle of each page?!" He was furious I swear smoke was fuming out of his red ears. 

A few immature students including Taehyung laughed at this. "This is not funny! If you know anything about this, you'd better raise your hand before I force it out of you!" He declared. The room grew silent.

An uncomfortable silence.

"Until whoever did this comes out, you will do partner work and write me a 4 page essay. The topic will change weekly and if you don't come out and admit to your wrong doing, I don't mind doing this for the rest of the year."

It was dead quiet.

"Does anyone want to come out before it's too late?" 

Silent again.

"Then you've left me no choice." He passed out lined paper with a place to write the topic and current date. "This class has an even number of students and I want you to work with the person next to you. Better get to know them well since you'll be working together for a while."

Following his statement was a bunch of annoyed groans including one from me and the handsome boy next to me.

"This weeks topic will be 'human reproduction'." 

No no no no no no no no.

It was bad enough my partner was Taehyung due to our seats, but human reproduction?? Really?

"Get to work."

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