Movie Night

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A/N: Sorry it's taken me awhile to update! I've just been busy with school and work. And maybe a tiny bit of writers block.

Word Count: 855

Description: Under an interesting turn of events, your movie night is interrupted by Emily Prentiss.

Warnings: None really.

Emily and you are best friends and coworkers. On a typical night off, you both would watch movies and eat junk food all night, but instead she's on a date with Andrew Mendoza. You really do try to be happy for her, but the truth is you've liked Emily for a really long time. And watching her date someone else is breaking your heart.

You're sitting on the couch, watching a movie and eating junk food. Your cat, Stella, is sitting next to you curled up in a little ball. It's been a semi-enjoyable day, You took a run, stopped for some coffee and lunch, and then came home to sit on the couch for the rest of the day.

There's a knock on the door, you pause the tv and stand up. You figure it's a neighbor telling you to quiet down or something. You check the peephole and frown. You open the door, "Emily, I thought you had a date."

"I did." She says, stepping into the apartment. "But, I cut it short- well I cut it off." She looks at you, "Because I realized something."

"Oh?" You close the apartment door, confused. "Come sit and we can talk. Can I get you some tea or anything?" You ask, making your way to the cabinet.

She sits at the dining table and nods, "Tea sounds great." She smiles. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, not at all!" You reassure her, grabbing two mugs. "Just Stella and I watching movies. Although we missed you tonight." You sit across from her, waiting for the water to boil. "So, what happened?"

Emily bites her bottom lip, "Well, um." She pauses and thinks for a moment. You furrow your eyebrows, "I guess-"

The kettle begins to steam and you hop out of the chair. "Just a sec, Em." You walk over to the stove, turning the burner off. "Okay, go ahead." You motion for her to continue, pouring the water into the mugs.

"I realized I didn't like Mendoza that much." She explains. "Not enough to actually date him. I didn't want to string him along or anything." She plays with the sleeve of her shirt.

You bring the mugs and some sugar over, "Well, I'm glad you realized ahead of time." You say, and you hate that you feel happy. "But that still doesn't explain why you're here."

"I've been thinking a lot." Emily looks at you, her brown eyes practically blazing into yours. "I realize now who I'm actually wanting to be with." She moves her eyes downwards, playing with her shirt again. "I like you, y/n."

You freeze and it feels like time has stopped, "You want to be with me?" You ask. "I-I, Emily, you don't know how long I've wanted to be with you!" You take her hands in yours. "When I thought you were with Mendoza, I was trying to be supportive, but I-"

Emily cuts you off by kissing you. You kiss her back, moving your hands through her hair. Emily is a damn good kisser. Eventually you pull away for air, breathing heavily. "Sorry, I just haven't been kissed like that in awhile." You say. "I haven't actually been with anyone in a while." You admit.

"Same here." Emily smiles. "I really hope Sergio and Stella will get along." You laugh, shaking your head.

"They'll get used to each other." You say. "Wanna stay up all night eating junk food and watching movies? With me, preferably."

Emily pretends to think about it, "Sounds perfect to me." She nods. "Lead me to the movie collection."

We stand up and you show her all of the dvds. She sorts through them, "Let me make more popcorn while you do that." You go back into the kitchen.

"Got it!" Emily jumps up. She pops the movie into the player, and sits on the couch. She steals your blanket and you scold her, walking back into the room.

"That's mine!" You hand her the popcorn. She sets it on her lap, and throws some of the blanket over you. "Thank you. Now what movie did you decide on?"

"Dirty Dancing." She says. "It's my guilty pleasure, ok? Even though everyone loves it." She shakes her head.

"I mean who can resist it?" You ask. "Even though you never struck me as the romcom type of gal." You say, laughing. "Even though you sure did pull a romcom moment fifteen minutes ago. Ya know? Showing up at my door in the middle of the night."

"Shut up." She says playfully,  throwing a piece of popcorn at you. "I didn't mean for it to happen that way."

Stella jumps up on the couch and lays down beside Emily. "You've done it now. You've stolen my cat's love."

She pets Stella and You rest your head on her arm. "Thanks for confessing your undying love for me tonight." You smile.

"Okay. Now you've taken it too far." Emily says. "Even though you're right." She sighs. "I'm a living and breathing romcom tonight."

You shake your head, "Well, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now