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Tobirama pov

"Gaara... I think me and Temari are adopted..." Prince Kankuro said. "Yea, I think so..." Gaara said.

Naruko pov

'Finally, I could escape from Temari-san....' I thought as I walked around. Then my eyes caught to one silver-haired man with a mask. He was training with a sword. "Hm? Oh, Messiah." He noticed me! "I'm Kakashi Hatake. I see you are interested in the sword?" He asks. "Yes, I am. But the sword is a little bit different than that." I said. "Is that so? Hm, can you draw how the sword look's like?" Kakashi said as he gave me the book. "Sure..." I said.

Tobirama pov

While my father has talk with emperors and empress, I just walked around. To chakra tree. Then saw Messiah sitting under the tree. "You finally could escape from princess Temari?" I ask. "Yea. It nearly was impossible...." Messiah said. "I see," I said. "The boy with red hair. He looks the same age as me." I said. "Hm? Do you mean Sabaku no Gaara? He is the youngest Emperor in history." I said. "Really?" Messiah said. "Yea he is. Dessert emperor, he is." I said. "I see..." She said. "Yo." Heard a voice. I looked and there was known Kakashi Hatake. For making swords.

"Oh, hi Kakashi-san," Messiah said. 'Hold on, what? Why she called him at last 'san'.....?' I thought. "Here. I hope it will look alright. I made some decorations, even though you said no need. But couldn't do anything." Kakashi said.

Messiah soon opened the box, and there was a sword!

Messiah soon opened the box, and there was a sword!

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"Are you out of your mind?!" I ask. "Huh? Something wrong?" Kakashi asks. "Maybe now we can make a battle?" Messiah ask. I just took her sword but realized the sword was heavy. "Yea, about that sword. You said to make the metal heavy. You must be very strong if you could hold it perfectly." Kakashi said. "That's because I've been used with this sword. First, they are the same weight as yours, then middle and then this weight." Messiah said.

'Huh?! She saying like it's not a big deal....' I thought. "I see," Kakashi said. "Well, the weight the sword has, it's professional. Can you make the gloves too?" Messiah ask as she took the sword. I looked at my hand and saw little wounds. "Yea. But didn't the priest gave you a casket of gloves?" Kakashi asks. "There weren't skin gloves," Messiah said. "Oh, I see. Then I can make it. But, it will take time. So you can stay at my place." 'What...?' I thought.

"Thank you Kakashi-san!" Messiah said. 'Is he going to do anything to Messiah....?' I thought.

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