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I'm so sorry for not being active here. I was going through so many things. I lost someone so precious to me. I need some time to gather myself. 

Because of my lack of activeness, most of the participants unfollowed the rules, which seems kind of fair to me, and some judges still didn't send me their reviews, which I'm so disappointed about. I'm going to discontinue the awards. Dinae tried so hard to keep this from happening, but some of the judges didn't do their job fairly. 

 I'll try to start again next year. You're free to unfollow me, but if you want to participate in awards next year, keep following Dinae. She'll hold a one from her account soon.

I'm sorry.

Main Host,
Dream award/Seoulmates Awards,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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