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"You know why you're here, right?"

No answer.

"This is the fourth time we had to arrest you. Don't you ever learn?" A cop asked, going through papers, a stern look on his face as he stared at the guilty boy that sat in front of him.

No answer.

"See, I know you have it hard, kid. You lost both of your parents. It's a big deal, I get it, but it's not a reason for getting yourself in trouble as well" The cop sighed feeling of concerned and sorrow for the teen boy.

The boy rolled his eyes. His eyebrows scrunching in anger, a breath of sarcasm leaving his mouth

"I appreciate your concern, Mr. Lee. I really do." The boy said. He slowly got closer to Mr. Lee's his face, his eyes scanning every detail. A gulp formed in the elder his throat.

"But you didn't show it BEFORE you cocksuckers put those fucking bullets in their head!" The boy spat in the man's face. Mr. Lee immediately stood up his fists clenched. A single drop of sweat runs down his forehead before blending in his wrinkles of age.

"That's it Yeonjun! You-" Mr. Lee raised his voice, slapping the papers on the table before getting interrupted by his walkie-talkie.

The boy scoffed as he leaned back again. A violent smile appearing out of nowhere that seemed too large for his face lingered.

"Mr. Lee, we need your help! Get as many people as possible, it's a chaos out here! The army is here and can't even control it! People are tearing each other apa-AAAGH!!" Screams of complete horror and the sound of painful piercing bullets and even growls.....? Ringed through the air. Mr.lee looked in confusion.

"Sir? Hello?" His fingers pressed buttons aggressively on his walkie-talkie multiple times out of frustration.

"Shit" He groaned before looking at Yeonjun with a serious look planted on his old wrinkly face.

"You! You stay here got it, don't go anywhere!" He pointed at the boy. Panic flooded within his head, he struggled with keys in his shaking hand before rushing out of the room and closing the door with a loud thud.

"Ya! You can't just leave me here!" Yeonjun ran to the door, pounding on it with his fist. Anger made subtly their way on his face.

"Dammit" he gave the door a kick, looking one last time through the tiny window of the door before sitting back on his chair. He pulled his hair before sliding his hands down his face.


He closed his eyes, thinking if he would do, so everything will go faster and he can get out of there.

A sudden PANG! Of a piercing bullet filled the thick air. Yeonjun immediately stood up and ran to the door to look through the tiny window.

Nothing could be seen.

Suddenly, Mr. Lee stood in front of the door. Yeonjun jumped back out of fear. The elder's eyes were no longer dark brown, a whitewash faded the color almost making it look like he was blind. A low growl escaped his mouth.

"Ya! Mr. Lee, open the door!" Yeonjun pleaded as he tried opening the door handle with force.

Blood splats on the tiny window as Mr. Lee fell with a thump on the ground. The sound of a gunshot was the only thing that could be heard but the sound became distant fast.

Yeonjun gulped as he slowly looked through the tiny window. There lay Mr. Lee Dead.

"Fuck" he breathed.

Now he couldn't get out. Panic became the form inside his head.

What the fuck is going on?!

He paced through the small room with panic. His hands pulling his hair as he tried to think. He needed to get out of here.

APOCALYPSE ; TOMORROW X TOGETHERWhere stories live. Discover now