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"Not sure if this is a good time to have an asthma attack. But, hey, I'm just saying"

Yeonjun still struggled with shortness of breath but manage to look up. It was a boy around the same age as him, maybe a bit younger. What Yeonjun notice the most was that the boy was wearing a Domino's Pizza uniform, although the cap looked too big on his head, his black grown out hair made it up.

He looked down again, seeing the corpse's dead head in front of him.

"Oh, sorry about that" The other boy said as he kicked the head away with his foot. The insides of the head rolling out with a disturbing sound.

Disgusted, Yeonjun looked up again, noticing the boy staring. He was holding a bat with nails hammered into it in his hand. Yeonjun wasn't going to question where he got that from. It reminded him to grab the gun and put it in his pocket.

"Uhm, thanks I guess"

Suddenly, the boy grabbed his arm, forcing him to stand up. Yeonjun huffed as the pizza boy pulled him along into a run, getting away from all the chaotic acts.

Heavy breaths escaped their lips as they made their way through the streets of Seoul, trying to avoid every monstrous creature and troublesome.

Yeonjun kept quiet just following the pizza boy and pulse quicken at any noise

The streets of Seoul are a nightmare of unprecedented magnitude. Terror and chaos are all over the place. Cars are crashed onto sidewalks. Looter's haul supplies out of shattered stores. The once called humans and civilians struggling with one another.

The pair speed up, turning into an alley, only to get stopped by a mutilated woman that lay before them on the ground. She was missing her legs. She crawled towards the pair, her eyes pleading for help.

The pizza boy rushes past the pleading woman. Running to a near wall before pulling down a ladder that was hidden behind some bushes.

Yeonjun looked at the woman. Low moans and shuffle sounds were behind her. Hoard of walking corpses making their way towards them.

"What are you doing?! Come on!" The pizza boy shouted, who is already standing halfway the ladder.

Yeonjun makes a run, and the woman pleading for help disappears into the horde with a single scream before being muted by death.

Yeonjun climbed up the ladder. Adrenaline rushed through his body. The pizza boy helped him up, and the infected who were now standing at the bottom of the ladder were trying to reach for his feet.

"Come on, get up!"

They finally reached the top of a building. The both of them were a panting mess as they let themselves fall on the concrete roof, but the positive thing was that they could finally have a breather.

The pizza boy looked next to him, seeing Yeonjun still a bit struggling with his breath.

"You don't have an inhaler?"

"No, if I had one, I would've used it by now" Yeonjun said between breaths. He lied flat on his back, staring at the surprisingly blue and sunny sky.

"Maybe we'll find one"

"Find one? With those things out there, I don't think so. I mean, I don't even know what the fuck is going on!" Yeonjun said frustrated. He was clearly confused, but who wouldn't.

"A virus broke out in a lab in Busan. It first infected animals but, I guess, it can infect people as well..." pizza boy said standing up. He walked to the edge of the building. The infected were still at the bottom, pushing one another, trying to reach for the taste of blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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