nells funny pt.2

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tchalamet posted:

tchalamet posted:

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Liked by Florencepugh and 862,629 otherstchalamet: making brownies

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Liked by Florencepugh and 862,629 others
tchalamet: making brownies

user9164: I know this is a pointless post but I feel like I needed it so thank you Timmy
tchalamet^^ your welcome
user9164^^ no f ing way

user3286: they look so nice

user2297: her smile.
tchalamet^^ ikr

florencepugh: awh

view 812,628 others^

realy/n posted:

Liked by tchalamet and 962,529 othersrealnell: oh hey

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Liked by tchalamet and 962,529 others
realnell: oh hey

user8157: can I buy him?
realnell^^ how much we talking?

realnell^^ that's a little generous

user9275: hes adorable

user4399: where'd you buy him
realnell^^ ur mum
tchalamet^^ nell that was so childish
realnell^^ sorry dad
realnell^^ daddy
user5196^^ OMFG
user9264: STOP.

view 862,528 others^

realnell posted:

Liked by Zendaya and 925,826 others realnell: me because people want to buy Timmy of me

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Liked by Zendaya and 925,826 others
realnell: me because people want to buy Timmy of me

tchalamet: she's not even drunk
user5197^^ lmfao

user19638: we love a protective nell

Zendaya: it's okay girlfriend you always have me
realnell^^ ily girlfriend

user3289: lmao

user92573: please this is so funny 😭

view 893,739 others^

realnell posted:

Liked by tchalamet and 1,839,537 others realnell: ace is the musician in the family

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Liked by tchalamet and 1,839,537 others
realnell: ace is the musician in the family.

user9263: omg

tchalamet: he sang twinkle twinkle little star

Florencepugh: wow I'm going to need to know where you got him
realnell^^ ebay

user9164: woah

user4737: 'family' literally crying abt this

view 982,639 others^

realnell posted:

Liked by tchalamet and 1,725,973 others realnell : he'd look hot proposing

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Liked by tchalamet and 1,725,973 others
realnell : he'd look hot proposing.

tchalamet: okay when?
realnell^^ come down stairs

user4297: the sexual tension between nell and Timmy on his knees.

user275: y'all better get married now

user6581: nell's living the dream

user8167: she not wrong.

view 972,729 others^

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