{Calm before the storm Arc // 5}

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    Silence befell the courtyard, your face erupted in flames as you shuffle your feet. You shrink more into yourself at the awkward silence and Rengoku lays his hand on your shoulder as if to comfort you. "This is the headquarters of the demon slayers. You are on trial right now," Shinobu spoke up, talking to the confused boy on the ground,'' Kamado Tanjiro-Kun." Rengoku-san moved his hand from your shoulder and spoke up loudly, "There's no need for a trial here. Protecting demons is a clear violation of conduct." His smile remained wide, "We can deal with it by ourselves. We'll decapitate every demon." You widen your eyes, at the thought of decapitating the little girl. You stepped slightly away from the flame-haired male, not that he even realized. Mitsuri gives you a sympathetic glance.

Uzui follows after him with an equally as loud remark, "Then let me cut her head off flamboyantly. I'll show I can spray the blood more flamboyantly than anyone else." You frowned at him and stepped away from him as well. He speaks up once again, "It'll be a flamboyant flamboyance." Your eyebrows furrow and you give him a weird look. He pays no mind. Mitsuri's face falls and she places her hand on her mouth. You frowned even more. A deep voice interrupts the silence, " Ahhh, what a pitiful child, It's so sorrowful that she was even born into this world," Gyomei says softly whilst tears rolled down his cheeks. You glance around the rest of the pillars and notice Muichirou staring at the sky blankly. "He seems to be in a completely different world," You look down and smile slightly, "He is still pretty young, and judging from the fact that he's so young and a hashira makes me think that he didn't have any sort of childhood aside from violence." You frown again. "What a poor child, what a poor circumstance, such a gloomy thing to think about." You looked up. "Let's kill her," Your head snaps up to look at Gyomei in shock. Kyojuro smiles, "Uh Huh!" You frowned at him. "Yeah, flamboyantly." You rolled your eyes.

Tanjirou's eyes widened as he looked frantically around the courtyard. You supposed he was looking for his sister. A voice spoke up from the side, and your head turned to look at the person speaking. "More importantly, what are we gonna do about Tomioka?" The serpent pillar quipped with an accusing finger stuck towards the lonely water hashira. You glanced at the isolated male. "It's giving me a headache seeing him not bound there.' You gave him a glare, which Rengoku must've seen because he shook his head and gave you a side-eye. "You're not on my good-list right now either, Kyojuro," you gave him a slight glare in return. His eyebrows furrow softly as he looks back at the serpent hashira. You made a small hmph sound and moved closer to Mitsuri who gave you a cute smile.

The meeting moved on. Tanjirou explained him and his little sister's situation as your frown only grew deeper until you were very visibly upset. Kyojuro looked down at you a few times, and you refused to look at him. A few more obnoxious and rude comments from Uzui and Gyomei. You had begun to tune out the conversation when Mitsuri's voice brought you back. "I have a question. It's hard to believe that Oyakata-Sama isn't already aware of this situation. Can't we just wait until he arrives?" You nodded your head in agreement. Silence fell over the yard as the other pillars looked down at her. Your head stopped moving and you looked down. "Mitsuri is right, we should wait for the master to arrive, but they'd never listen to or consider my point of view." Tanjirou and Shinobu continued to speak

"Woah, this got somewhat interesting." The wind pillar stood holding a brown box in his hand. The Kakushi's eyes widened nervously, and Giyuu gave the white-haired man a harsh glare, both of which made you increasingly nervous. Sanemi stood with a wide smile. His facial expression made you fear for the coming moments. "No, Shinazugawa-sama. Please put the box down,'' The kakushi begged. Sanemi looked at Tanjiro with an aggressive smile, "Is this the idiotic demon slayer who travels with a Demon? Just what is going on here anyway?"

"Don't do anything rash, Shinazugawa," Shinobu warned. You gulped. "She sounds mad, this is the first time she's stopped smiling since I met her. It seems as if this is getting worse and worse." Sanemi laid his hand on his blade's hilt. His smile never wavering. "What about this demon, boy? Do you say she can protect people and fight for the corps? That's incredible, that's amazing. Why that's.." His smile grew impossibly wider as he pulled his blade from its sheathe, "Completely impossible, you fool." He plunged his blade right through the box. You gasped in shock and horror, Mitsuri doing the same. Kyojuro looked back at you. You ignored his gaze and kept your eyes on the white-haired male. Both Shinobu and Giyuu glared at the man, their eyebrows furrowed. The young boy's face contorted into horror.

You gasped as Tanjiro jumped up and ran for Sanemi. You shook your head. "This is getting out of hand." Tuning out what was happening, you look around the courtyard. It was a pretty courtyard.


A loud sound resonated through the courtyard. Tanjiro had just landed a headbutt on Sanemi bringing both males to the ground. Sanemi's face morphed to complete shock as his nose began to bleed heavily. You slap your hand over your mouth as laughter bubbles up in your chest. However, it was futile because the woman beside you burst into laughter causing you to lose your resolve and laugh too. The pillars looked at the two of you with a blank stare, and Rengoku sent you a sharp glare. You choked and looked down again.

The two males had picked themselves up and were staring at each other. "If you don't know the difference between a good demon and a bad one, you don't deserve to be a Hashira," Tanjiro screamed out. This made Sanemi's pupils shrink in what you could only guess was anger. Speaking up, you call across the yard, "You two really need to calm down. The master will be here very shortly and it would be disrespectful to fight in his presence." It came out a little harsher than you thought it would, causing you to flinch slightly. "Oh no, you've really done it now, (Y/N)." To your relief, Mitsuri, Shinobu, and Giyuu nodded in agreement. The other pillars seemed surprised by your speaking. Uzui gave you a bored look, and you returned it causing him to smirk slightly.

"The master of the mansion has arrived," a soft feminine voice alerted the crowd to the engawa.

"Welcome, my dear demon slayers."

{Hey guys! This chapter doesn't have much reader interaction. It is literally just the Hashira trial. The next chapter will finish the hashira trial, The reader will get some interaction with Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu soon. Anyways, I will update soon.}

{Edit: Also I have to add that the reader is a Tsukugo but they are 18.}

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