I don't exactly remember much from my earlier years as a kid, but I'll try. (Heh) I remember when I was about three years old, I was at my grandfather's farm in Klaipeda. That time he had two goats and a bunch of sheep. He had.. -Sigh- Chickens too. I had just eaten a slice of bread, and I was running around the area next to the ranch. A couple seconds later, a chicken started chasing me out of nowhere. The slice of bread I had was gone, so it had no reason to chase me at all. I thought it was a game, like the idiotic ass I was. After a couple minutes the chicken was still chasing me, so I started crying. That was when I actually got scared.
Then there's when I was about five. My parents and I were at the zoo in some other country, and we were passing the lemurs. Again, no food was in any of our hands. My parents were talking to each other. I was chasing pigeons around. A second later, a whole group of lemurs surrounds us, closing in. I started crying (again) and ran behind my mom, while a couple lemurs jumped onto my parents' backs. I thought they were hurting them, so I tried screaming to scare them away. That backfired. Badly. That was honestly one of the scariest experiences of my life.
Back in Lithuania, I was in Pre-K. It was one of my classmate's birthday at the time, and I think I was three in this one too. One of the boys was wearing heelies at the time. (Or however they're spelled) He was rolling around the room, stumbling from time to time. Eventually, he tripped on one of the toys and face planted right into the birthday kid's cake. Everyone started laughing except for that one kid- (pfft- he was an asshole anyways).
Story of my life-
RandomThere's a bit of swearing so I wouldn't advise children to read this...