(3) the beginning

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CHAPTER THREE: the beginning

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CHAPTER THREE: the beginning

„Mom, you're not gonna believe this!" yelled
Hayoon as she walked to home

The elder woman, slowly appeared in the living room. In her hand she held wet and dirty piece of cloth.

"What? What happened?" asked obviously worried mother

Her daughter jumped to her, waving a pile of money in her face.

"It's 100 000 won!" the mother put a piece of cloth on the table and took money in her hand with shocked face "My boss was keeping it all this time! That's why I didn't get too much in last time"

"Oh that's so great honey. I'm so happy for you" woman hug the Hayoon with all her strength. So not tight "You are all red on face"

"Yeah you know" young girl laughed nervously "I was running through whole city to tell you this"

Her mother laughed softly and started to counting money to make sure that is whole amount. It was. It was checked two times.

"Listen mom, there's one more thing" said Hayoon quietly "Let's sit down"

All her way to home Hayoon was thinking about the game competition. It sounds easy. She just had to win games like ddakji what cannot be very hard. She can try. And if she would win, she can probably get so much money. She could pay for her mother medicines, for Jihoon school and take them for vacation. She could pay for warm water in house.
It supposed to take just six days. It's not that much.

Both women sat on the old couch. Hayoon take her mother's hands in her. How to start?

"I can make a lot more money that today" she said, not letting her mom interpret "My boss gave me a kind of deal. But that would mean I'll be gone for a week. And it's not sure that I'll kind of win them, but I thought, why can't I try?"

Hayoon looked at her mother waiting for reaction, but there was none, so she continued.

"I know a week is a long time but think about money I can bring. My boss didn't tell the exact amount but think about another thousands! But of course, your opinion matter for me, so you need to tell me what do you think about"

The elder woman was thinking in silent "It's hazard?"

"No! It's totally legal" she said. Funny thing, it probably was very illegal

Mother sighed out loud, "I think it's not a bad idea. We are gonna be fine for six days"

Hayoon smiled to her as she hug her to herself.

"Where's Jihoon? He didn't come to see me" she asked realizing that her son wasn't around

"He's playing in your room"

Hayoon get up from couch. She went to the other room. She knocked on door.

"Hey sweetie" she said softly

Jihoon looked at her, blinking his eyes. He was playing with little cars.
Mother sat next to him. She picked him from the floor and put him on her legs hugging him tightly.

"Can I play too?" she asked

The boy handed her red car and himself pick green.

"You know what" started Hayoon as they were playing "Mommy has to go somewhere for a couple of days"


"You know" she brushed his hair from the forehead "Adults things. My boss make me do it" she acted angry "If it would depend on me, I would never leave you for more than one day!"

She attacked him with kisses as boy laughed out loud.

"It's okay" he said, not looking at her "I am a big boy now. I'm gonna be fine"

"Of course you are!"

  As they were playing the only thing she could think of was card in her pocket. She needed to be sure now. Maybe soon she will be late.

"I'll be back in a second, I just have to call someone, alright?" Hayoon told him as he nodded his head

She got up from the ground, leaving the boy with cars.

She took her phone out from a pocket and a card that slapman gave to her. Hayoon went to the bathroom, locking herself. She picked up the number.

She nervously started tapping with her foot as she waited for someone to reply.

"Hello? Who's calling?" Hayoon heard man's voice

"Hi, you gave me a card today with this number" she started "I think it was you, the slapman, right?"

"Do you want to take a part in game?"

She needed five seconds.


"Your name and birthdate"


Hayoon put a jacket on herself along with a dark hat that was covering her face. She took with her, house keys and her phone. She didn't have more things she could take with her.

"Alright" she turned back to her family, "I have to go"

Hayoon walked to her mom and hug her.

"Take care of him and herself. Remember to take your medicine every day, it's very important"

"Calm down, I'm not that stupid" the elder woman laughed "Have fun, honey"

Hayoon nodded her head with a weak smile. She squat to her little boy, brushing his hair with fingers.

"Be nice to granny" she poked him on his nose "Remember mommy loves you. I'm gonna miss you, teddy bear"

"It's only a few days, mom"

"Yeah I know"

She hugged him tightly, giving the last kisses on the forehead. She got up from the ground and left the house.

She ran down the stairs, hands in her pockets. Hayoon stopped a few meters from the house, sure that no one was gonna see her.

After fifteen minutes, the big van drove up. The window opened but she couldn't see anyone.

"Password?" said deep voice

"Red light, green light" she answered unsure

She waited a moment before doors opened up. That was a sign for her. Hayoon take a sit inside. There were already people in it, but they all were sleeping.
Door locked with big noise. She started to feel uncomfortable. The girl wanted to ask some questions, but then the van started moving. The white smoke filled car and she started to feel dizzy.
Without realizing, she fell asleep.


Hi guys!
This chapter is a little bit chaotic and short, but I hope you enjoyed it.
I'm so excited to write next chapters!

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