chris dont read this chat

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Cody: have you guys seen squid game?!

Heather: YES

Courtney: i loved it

Noah: wouldn't be surprised if Chris makes us play it

Heather: NO STFU


Courtney: omfg i swear if we end up playing it because of you noah-

Duncan: i'll make sure noah dies first for opening his mouth

Noah: oh calm down, like Chris will actually get us to play it. he can't kill us

Cody: who would win if we actually played it tho?

Courtney: me

Heather: me

Duncan: me

Trent: me

Geoff: me

Noah: me

Bridgette: me

Gwen: me

Alejandro: me


Sierra: ME

Lindsay: mE

Beth: Me

Tyler: me

DJ: me

Lashawna: me tf

Harold: me

Cody: ok ok i get it, everyone thinks they can win

Heather: It'll obviously be me

Justin: my looks will help me win

Alejandro: HA

Justin: 😒😒

Harold: i would win

Duncan: YOU? WIN?

Leshawna: harold could win if he wanted to unlike you mr bad boy

Courtney: Duncan would lose red light green light

Heather: litteraly

Noah: more like izzy

Gwen: izzy would definitely lose that

Izzy: WHY

Gwen: you can't stay still

Noah: mhm

Courtney: Geoff and Bridgette would probably start making out

Geoff: ok i won't deny that

5 minutes later

Courtney: well this chat went back to dead

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