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The sirens blared outside, and y/n ran towards the window to look out, seeing something she never thought she'd see in a million years.



"Don't act tough, kid," The stranger raises his knife defensively, to which Wilbur just smirks, his deep urges finally resurfacing.

Wilbur runs right for the man this time, his body coming in contact with a stiffer build as the men stumbled around a bit.

The only thoughts clouding Wilburs mind were those of beating the strange man up.

But as he landed a blow towards his attackers face, the man shoved a knife into his arm. It's when crimson started pooling out of it that his mind became clouded.


It was everywhere, mostly his own; but Wilbur didn't stop, his adrenaline fueling him as the stranger continued fighting back.

Wilbur was slammed against a large metal garbage can, making his breath hitch as he hit at random body parts.

Eventually he got his air back and focused more on fighting than pain, sending a quick hit to the jaw while stumbling around.

"Don't ever call my girlfriend a tramp! Or a bitch! Don't even talk about her!"

Punch after punch and blow after blow Wilbur and the man tussled in the alley, eventually getting to the point that they were both battered up.

It doesn't take long though, for the man Wilbur was fighting, to drop limp.

Wilbur takes a small step back, eyes widening a bit as he looked from his bloodied hands to the bleeding body of his attacker. "Shit..."

He scans around to see someone already on the phone in a panic, passing people running over to help the man.

Wil just stands there, his entire being going numb as he tried to comprehend what was going on, trying to fight off the smile he wanted to wear.

He won.

He finally got another taste of that sweet sweet control, his head looking up as a small drizzle started to fall, blood soaking him from the stab wound, along with multiple other injuries.

It doesn't take long before a siren sounds off, the police and an ambulance rolling up with a fire truck close behind.

Wilbur turns, seeing them with a sad expression of his own, watching as the medics took the knocked out man and checked his pulse, shaking their heads slowly while covering his body up in a white tarp.

"No... No I didn't mean to! I didn't kill him I swear! It's all wrong!" Wilbur cried, backing up a small bit as he tried to get away from the problem.

Some medics approach him slowly, seeing the beaten and bruised state Wilbur was in with sad eyes. "Sir, we understand. Please calm down, your blood pressure needs to stay calm while we treat your wounds."

"Wil!" y/n gets outside into the rain with pajamas and sandals, running towards her boyfriend in fear. "What happened?!"

Deep down, she knew. Deep down she could feel the blood lust that Wilbur had, and how his mentality was in no position to be put into the public eye.

"Ma'am, do you know him?" An officer asks, walking over to y/n. "We'd like to ask some questions."

While guiding her, the officer passes by the strangers cloth, and y/n sees the bits of blood seeping through with an inaudible gag.

"Do you think this man could've killed someone on purpose?"

y/n's eyes widen and she shakes her head, almost as if that idea was absurd. "Wilbur?! Hell no! He's the sweetest guy I know! He'd never hurt a fly, let alone someone he didn't know!"

The officer nods, taking some notes down. While distracted, y/n walks back, interrupting the medics in their job to yank Wilbur up.

"I'll be patching him up, thank you."

"Wait ma'am—"

"He's more comfortable at home and I have medical experience, okay? I've got it," y/n mumbles, walking off with Wilbur.

"We need to ask some questions," An officer persists, trying to stop the couple.

"We'll be at the station tomorrow. Obviously you know where to find us if we aren't."

With that y/n walks off back into the apartments, hers and Wilburs hairs soaked from the rain along with their clothes.

"You're such a fucking moron."



Did he really kill someone? What's gonna happen now??? who knows.


Yes I know the medics and police weren't accurate, but sometimes I wanna use fanfiction knowledge :)

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