471 19 13

"love was a losing game, let's just call a spade a spade."


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"How was your first day?" A voice calls out while she made breakfast in the kitchen, spooking her slightly. Vegas had not heard the elevator nor  footsteps due to the Bluetooth speaker blasting music. Quickly she turns down the volume in embarrassment, eyeing Taejun with tinted pink cheeks.

"Oh, uh. It was fine." She murmurs quietly, shrugging her shoulders slightly. It was a lie, it was anything but fine. It was the most awkward situation she's ever encountered. I mean—who would be comfortable laying in a bed next to a stranger in complete silence. Sure, Munjin was an extremely attractive man. Especially for his age. But that didn't mean it made it any less nerve racking.

Vegas considered herself lucky, seeming as Munjin, regarding the situation & his authority, hadn't chose to force anything upon her the first night.

Taeju just nodded his head, trying to shake away the possible occurrences or scenes that could've played out the night before. Distracting himself, he pulls out papers from his bag, along with Korean language work books, and colorful flash cards made for young children. It was almost amusing to Vegas, at how quickly he made the room look like a kindergarten class with a few items.

"How much Korean do you understand?" He asks, still searching his bag for something in particular.

"Zero—absolutely nothing."  She responds, before the room fell into silence. The only thing that could be heard was Taejus frustrated huffs as he continued to search his large bag filled with items.

"Shouldn't second in command of a gang be doing something more important other than teaching?" She asks in a playful manner, bringing Taeju eyes to meet her own.

"What do you think secound in command does?" He asks while finally grabbing ahold of the item from his bag, and placing the wooden pencil amongst the other learning items sprawled out on the table.

"The leaders dirty work." Vegas responds, only earning an smirk of amusement from the handsomely vacant man. But as soon as his smirk appears, it just as quickly disappears.

"Be more specific."

"Personal body guard?" She guesses after a long pause of thought, only causing Taeju to nod.
"Munjin doesn't trust easily. In his mind, hiring a stranger is not the wisest thing."

"He's worried I'll run off." She points out with a small smile of defeat, before returning to chopping her vegetables.

"Or be used as leverage." He adds, only causing her to roll her eyes. "I doubt he'd throw away a billion dollar drug operation for woman he can easily replace." She explains, causing Taeju to tilt his head in response. As he hesitated wether to speak up, she kept busy with splitting a cucumber into two and dicing them into smaller pieces. She was making pasta salad, one of her grandmothers favorite dishes.

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