Prologue: Chilling With Miss Mary And NH

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Aizen Weismann was your everyday lazy Otaku, living by himself, that loves to read and watching anime and Manga.

He doesn't really have a big dream, unlike many others. No, all he wants to do he sit In his room and do the things he loves the most.

But it seems Fate has other plans for him. Or better yet, He has a date with Miss Mary.

Like his Mother once said," Every Night is the perfect night to smoke weed."

Pulling out a joint already made by him, using his Mother's Secret technique, he lit it up and smiled," Don't worry. Don't cry. Smoke weed and get high. Ah~ Ma you're the best~"

Taking a hit skillfully, he Inhaled the smoke deep Into his lungs that will maximize the impact of the weed Inside his body.

He then Inhaled the smoke but didn't let it fill his mouth. He sucked the smoke down into his lungs.

Removing the joint from his lips, and without releasing the smoke, he took a quick breath drawing in a little clean air into his lungs.

Then like a programmed machine, doing its job every day and every second, he held for a second and then slowly release the smoke and air from his lungs.

" Fuuuuu~ Let's get to this~!" Releasing the smoke, he chuckled In a sinister manner, touching his keyboard and mouse, looking at his monitor, displaying nothing but numbers and odd lines on it.


Moving his mouse around and tapping supernaturally fast on the keyboard, Aizen smiled, even more almost joker-like, taking another hit somehow," Whatever I do, I do it better stoned. And that won't never change~!"

Pushing his feet against the floor, he and his gaming chair moved across the room, to another set of computer monitors.

Taking that keyboard and mouse, he maneuvered a gaming character through a dungeon, filled with all kinds of monsters, without getting hit once.

" Nice~" Pushing against the floor again, he flew to another set of computer monitors.

Beating someone In chess, rather skillfully and easy, named [Tet], he took another hit, however this time, even longer and more powerful.

" Fuuuuuuu~ Hehehe! That was easy! What a dumbass!" Saying this In a childish voice, he pushed off to another set of computer monitors.

Beating someone named 『 』In an RPG game, with some effort, Aizen smirked," How absurd of them, to think they can beat this God! No beats the God Of Games, at his own Game!"


Hearing that noise, he flew back to the first computer monitors, he used.

" Well, it seems my work here is done!" Taking even more hits, one after another effortlessly, he looked up with hazy eyes," Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit... unnatural?"

[ It does ] A booming powerful male voice said, ringing throughout his mind and body.

Taking a hit, he laughed," Hahahaha~ I know right! Who was the dumbass to against Mother Nature!?"

Breaking Into reality next to him, a formless being of black energy, chuckled,"[ Care to share?"]

" A friend with weed is a friend indeed, and a friend who shares is a friend who cares. What do you think?" Aizen asked, smiling brightly, passing over the joint to the formless being.

Smiling somehow, the formless being took the joint and took a hit like Aizen, so expertly, as he did this a billion times.

" [ This is some good shit. Names: NH, yours?]" The being said, looking at the stoned-out Aizen.

" Hahaha~ Names: Aizen," Aizen said, laughing at nothing but his thoughts, that is so stupid.

' Why is red, called red?'-' Why is my dick so big?'-' Why does a car look like a car?'-' Why am I even living?'-' I...Love...Weed...'

" [ You good there buddy? ] The being asked, seeing a boundless look Into Aizen's eyes.

" Yeah, yup, yep, I'm aight." Aizen let out, suddenly feeling immediate overwhelming (in a good way) head rush, followed by a slow, steady and relaxing calm. Kind of like riding a wave, called: Life.

He suddenly feels as though his senses are heightened as in, he is suddenly aware of how soft something is, the texture it may have, the smell of something, how beautiful something is, etc.

He In all honesty, for example, can maintain conversations and seem pretty sober because he's used to it. He just feels happy, and feels like he's having a great time, doing nothing but talk fo this formless being throughout the night, smoking and chilling, laughing at the most random stuff they could think of.

And before he knew It, he fell asleep on his gaming chair, with the formless being nowhere In sight.

' Night-Night, World...' This was his last thought, before fully falling asleep, with a bright sunny smile on his face.

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