Chapter-2 Part-3

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Part 3

I walked with Kei back to the dormitory from the keyaki mall, chatting with her.
Then, in the lobby of the dormitory, Horikita was sitting on the sofa, waiting for someone.
I pushed the elevator up on the first floor, and when Kei and I got on, Horikita got on as well.
"Ayanokoji-kun, may I have a word with you?"
The elevator stops at the fourth floor where my room is located.
"I'll see you later, Kiyotaka."
Kei is easily jealous, but her ability to grasp the situation is not low.
She knows that Horikita is not subject to these types of differences in the first place, and when she hears about the special exam, she can make a decision before thinking that it would be better not to disturb her.
"Yeah. I'll get back to you."
A year ago, I would have never believed that we would end up spending time together like this.
When I got off, Horikita came down with me.
I turned around to see Kei smiling and waving at me from the elevator as it began to close. The elevator soon closed and went up.
"How long have you been seeing her?"
"Now, when did that happen?"
"Rumor has it that it's spring break, but I'm guessing the relationship really got going earlier."
She said these words to me with a hint of something in her eyes.
"I don't know."
Whether or not there is a rationale behind Horikita's words, I'm not interested in or willing to touch on that point.
"That's not the point. You said you wanted to talk to me?"
"... ... Yes. I have something that I want you to hear about on special exams. Will you?"
"Yeah, no problem."
"Eh?"... Yes."
"What's with the reaction?"
"I was prepared for you to say no. Didn't you look unhappy the other day when you were put in charge of the maid cafe?"
Apparently, she was surprised at how readily I accepted her consultation.
"It's here, please come into the room."
Standing in the hallway, you never know who might hear you.
Room 401, I opened my room and went inside.
"You're not asking me to help you, are you?"
"It's ...... I don't know. In the meantime, if you'll just listen to me, I'll go further."
Perhaps thinking that she would be rejected if she explained it to me badly, Horikita started talking.
"I've been thinking about having a semi-compulsory exam before the exam if I want to make sure I pass this special exam. But even if we were to prepare for it, it would be impossible to reach a consensus unless we knew what the assignment was, wouldn't it?
"Depending on the situation, we'll inevitably have to use different options."
Even if there were only two choices, yes or no, it would be nothing but reckless to decide to vote only yes or only no before the issue and vote delusionally.
"You've thought of everything, haven't you, Horikita? How to get through this special test?"
"I think the shortest way to pass the special exam is for someone to have the final say. No matter how many options there are, no matter how the vote splits, you have to promise to follow the pre-determined leader's judgment and will."
This is what Kushida suggested during the day.
A strategy that does not take into account whether or not an individual is dissatisfied with the option.
Surely it would be easier if that arrangement could be reached.
"I hope that really brings it together."
"There will always be students who are not satisfied with some assignments. ..... ...... If this had been a dictatorship class like Ryuen's, it might have been quicker."
In terms of coercive power, unlike us who ask for it, Ryuuon will be able to exercise it without mercy. But whether it will work in reality is another matter.
"'The fact that all voting is anonymous means that students who are dissatisfied with the rule of Ryueen can vote against him. There is no guarantee that a mere order will clear them."
"Students who are unhappy with his methods may rebel against him. But there's nothing to be gained by doing so.After all, if the vote is split and time runs out, the whole class takes the damage, right? I'm sure they'll eventually come together if we just leave them alone."
"I know what you mean, but it's a contradiction in terms. No one wants to fail a special exam.So the votes will always come together. If that basic premise holds, then there's no need for strategy from the start, is there?"
"It's…" "No student wants to run out of time to the disadvantage of the class, but don't think you can complete the five assignments if left alone. It makes it less meaningful for the school to call it a special exam."
"........ You're right."
"What you can do now is to prepare your mind to be flexible. For example, what would you do if you were faced with an issue with 38 in favor and 1 against?"
"Of course I'll try to get the one against to vote yes."
"Right. So what if the one person who disagreed never gave in?"
"That ......."
"It's not always the 38 who agree that win. As we try to persuade the opposition, some of the 38 students who were in favor may change their opinions."
"Even if one person's idea is detrimental to the class at large?"
"It all depends on what it is."
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a challenge prepared for me that I could never solve, or something like that.
"It's kind of unsettling, isn't it?"
"What's that?"
"Because you listened to my consultation without hesitation. I don't think that your relationship with Karuizawa has anything to do with it. But What do you think?"
"It's not really consultation. In some small corner of your mind, you must have begun to think of such a development."
"Yes,... Then I'll tell you the main reason I approached you. I have a proposal for a special exam tomorrow. I could ask someone else to do it, but I want someone who understands."
"Do you want us to always vote separately on the first option?"
"Can you please not preempt my thoughts?"
When I saw her getting frustrated, I distanced myself from Horikita.
"It was something I was going to do, in case no one else suggested it. I didn't think we had the same idea."
"............, is that right?"
I could see Horikita's anger dissipate, apparently a little convinced by the appropriate excuse now.
It's true that it was an idea that should have been done at least that much, so it would be similar.
It is better to avoid the risk of making unexpected choices as a result of bias caused by the momentum of the situation.
"Coincidences can be a little scary, even if you're 99% sure you agree or disagree, or if you're wondering between two options that both have advantages and disadvantages."
"Oh. If the vote is skewed and passed as a result of a random vote, it can't be undone. However, the strategy of always using an interval at least once is not always a good thing. It's better to keep that in mind.There is a risk that what would have been unanimous if it were a matter of momentum may become inconclusive due to split votes when it is discussed. You have to take that into account."
"Yes. You're right."
To argue is to plunge one's hand into the deepest darkness.
This can consume an enormous amount of time if it results in dragging out an 'unexpected darkness'.
"Due to the rules of this special exam, there is no way to determine with certainty who voted for whom, no matter how much we discuss it. Even if you get a word from everyone, it may not be 100% true."
"You mean they will lie to me?"
"In some cases, yes. Because right now the class isn't quite as unified as it should be."
Speaking of which, several people will probably pop into Horikita's mind.
"You mean the presence of Kushida-san and Koenji-kun."
"In the former case, she will lie without hesitation, and in the latter case, he may dare to vote for a different classmate. That's about it."
"...... Hey, why are you telling me all this stuff? It's still weird. It's not like you've ever given me a warning like this before."
Of course, Horikita could sense the change in me.
"I judged that the current Horikita would be flexible enough to listen to and understand what I was saying."
"Is that a compliment?"
"I suppose," "Yeah. ........ I'm feeling a little restless."
In front of me, I heard Horikita's phone vibrate briefly and once.
"I'm sorry. Give me a moment."
After interrupting the conversation, Horikita took out her cell phone, stared at the screen, and started operating.
"Let me return the message. She may not be able to mark it as read if I wait for a long time."
Of course, I have no intention of stopping her, but who is 'she'?
I was a little concerned, but I decided to wait quietly as Horikita took about two minutes to compose a long message. Eventually, she finished sending the message and put her phone away in her pocket.
"Anyway, I got my message across. Good luck with the special exam tomorrow."
Not intending to stay long, Horikita quickly left the room.

Translated by ANIME ANYWAY.
See my thoughts on it and Support on the Channel on YouTube here - ANIME ANYWAY.

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Have a beautiful day ❤️ bye bye

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