LJ Imagine 1

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LJ Imagine 1
You watched as he cuts open the child's stomach with his long dark claws. You were sitting in the corner of Jamie's room horrified at the sight in front of your eyes. Jamie, the kid you were babysitting, getting brutally murdered in front of you yet all you're doing is staring.

The monochrome clown proceeds to laugh. Turning his head at you, staring down at your terrified figure. You stare back into his grey pupils.

"Well, well what do we have here?" He spoke proceeding to laugh at you. "W-who are you. Why are you doing this," you say taking up all the courage you had.

All he did was laugh even more.

"Because?" you questioned.

"I hate kids! Such disgusting creatures, all they do is laugh and play around, they don't deserve anything! Not after what Isaac-"

The clown stops midway with a look of realization on his face. Confused, you stood up questioning him, "Isaac?"

That was when he hissed at you. "Take that dirty name out of your mouth!"
Taken back at what he said you backed up.


His stern eyes glare at you. You gulp afraid that he might hurt you.

He then walks up to you pushing you against the wall letting out a yelp. His big claws wrapped around your neck pushing you further up the wall matching his height.

"I should just kill you. You've seen too much."

Your small hands trying to break free of his grip while protesting. "N-no please, I won't tell a-anyone."
Squirming around in his grip.

He laughs tightening his grip even harder. "And what could a pathetic human like you can do to help me?"

Trying hard to break free out of his grip, you suddenly hear, "Y/N! We're home!"
Your eyes widen at the call, Jamie's parents were home yet you were getting choked by a monochrome clown.

"Don't think I won't come back to kill you," was all you heard before falling down onto the ground gasping for air.

Rolling on your back, you stare at the walls trying to process everything that just happened.

Until you hear the door open, you quickly turn your head to the door and hear terribly loud screams.


You stare at the two parents running over to their son. "I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything."

Jamie's dad turns his head at you. You were backed up in the corner with both of your hands touching the floor, knees bent.

He had a confused look plastered all over his face. His eyes looking back at the claw marks on Jamie then back to you.
"D-did you do this??"

You stared at him as Jamie's mother turns to look at you. "I didn't kill him. I'm sorry I couldn't save him," was all you said before you broke down into tears.

They stared at you trying to comprehend everything. "Y/N, tell us everything of what happened right now."


You were sitting in the middle of the police interrogation room. Staring blankly at the metal surface. Until you heard your name getting called knocking you out of your daze.

"Hello? I've been calling your name for more than 5 times." You lift your head up staring at the officer, "Uh yeah, sorry about that sir."

Fidgeting with your fingers under the table the officer soon then asks you to tell him everything that happened. You stare at him not knowing what to say not wanting him to think you're crazy.

"Y/N L/N, I need you to corporate with me and tell me everything."

Slightly adjusting your seat, "You won't believe me."

You mutter trying to avoid eye contact. The officer chuckles proceeding to say, "Trust me, i've heard multiple crazy stories. Now like I said, tell me everything happened with Jamie's murder."

Slowly averting your gaze at him, you let out a soft, "Okay." Sitting up in your seat, you began to tell him everything.

The police officer looks at you bewildered. Noticing his look, you sigh. "I told you so..."

"I'm sorry what? You're meaning to tell me that somehow Jamie's 'imaginary friend' came to life and had killed Jamie and then also tried to kill you??"

Staring down at your fingers, fidgeting. You reply with a small, "Yes.."

Until you heard a sigh, you brought your head up to the officer. Watching him as his hands rubs down his chin. Making eye contact with him, you quickly look away.

"We've had familiar cases like this where all the victims are children and have claw marks." You stare at him completely unsure of what to say.

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