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y/n finally finished up with her last stitch, Wilburs face contorted in pain and his eyes brimmed with tears. No matter how much she tried to numb it, the pain was still there.

"It's your fault. What would happen if they wanted a medical bill, huh? You aren't a real person, Wil! You need to be more cautious, or else the governments gonna ship you off to another country!"

The man couldn't pay much mind to what y/n was saying as he just stared, eyes looking over her tired form. He felt bad.


"Don't talk. I'll end up punching you in the stitches," y/n warned, fully serious as she worked to apply bandages to her soulmates bloodied face, having already cleaned the dried stuff up with a cloth.

Eventually, all his visible injuries are cleaned and tended to, but there was one thing the woman knew she needed to do. "Alright, off with the shirt. I know you've got something hurt under there, you've been hunched since we got home."

Wilbur nods, sticking to the no talking idea as he slowly moves to get the shirt off, hissing at the stitching across his forearm.

y/n watches with baited breath as his body is slowly revealed, a chest of soft skin meeting her eyes. She tries her best to ignore it, but there's already a snickering from Wilbur.

He can't hold himself back.

"What is it Princess? See something you like?"

y/n doesn't give him the usual small smile or playful remark, she just shakes her head and continues, leaving Wilbur to frown.

"Just as I thought, a giant scratch right down your back," She admits, already getting some stuff ready to clean it out and apply a bandage. "Here we go."


By the time y/n is done tending to every injury she could see, Wilbur is still dead silent, trying to figure out what to do for the woman.

"Stop thinking about it, you'll hurt your small little brain."

The familiar words make Wilbur open his mouth. "I don't get why you're always so mad at me."

y/n seems to hesitate a bit before looking back at Wilbur. "You just killed a man, Wilbur; you blatantly ignored my warning and my thoughts and now look where we are."

She takes a deep breath, as if to try and calm herself down, but it only fuels her internal fire more.

"You know what? That's actually the whole issue, Wil. You never listen to a thing that comes out of my mouth unless it works out for you! You're like a teenage boy, and it's so impossible to deal with! I thought we could do this, I really did, but it isn't gonna work out, this relationship I mean... Not as long as you're one blow up away from breaking apart and I'm one breakdown away from blowing up."

At the end of the storm came the calm, y/n standing up before slumping into the living room chair, only to stuff her head into her hands.

Wilbur stays standing there, eyes wide as he watches the woman in silence, not really knowing what to say in response to that small outburst of feelings.

"Oh yeah?"

Never mind.

"Well what about you then?! All you ever do is assume, and yell, and fight, and throw out insults! I'm trying to make this work, you're just trying to hurt me! I'm your soulmate, y/n! You know the rules!"

The woman looks up, eyes red and puffy from the tears she'd been letting out into her palms. "So answer me this, who emotionally damaged who? Are you innocent here?"

Deep down, y/n knew what would happen if she was split from her soulmate... why everyone was taking their markings off... But she wouldn't tell Wilbur, especially not now.

"So we're done? After only three days of trying this out?" Wilbur mumbles, running his good arm through his tousled brown hair as his anger rose and fell with spastic intervals.

"I shouldn't have even said yes."



Uh, so yeah. They got to three days, everyone give it up for their new record. We'll see how long their next one is... if they even date again.

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