Sabrina's POV
"Urgggghhh........I don't even know why you want me to come all the way here to a lizard convention when you know I don't even like lizards and snakes that much!" "Sab will you please quit complaining and just help out. Have you forgotten that we have to do a report on reptiles for our science class? Plus don't forget it's 10 freakin percent for our midterm." said Mara with an annoyed tone. "Yeah I know that but why do we have to come all the way to a reptile convention when we can just get all the information out from the internet?" I said lazily. "Because, we are supposed to do a report on what we observe not a report about them." she said looking very angry by now. "Ok guys will you please just stop fighting now." said Tara who is the calmest. "Fine Sab. You can stay here while me and Tara will go and do some observing.But, your doing all the typing and printing and don't forget about the presentation board k. Bye." she said while singing the bit in the end, happy that she doesn't have to do too much work.
So basically I'm in a reptile convention when I don't even fancy them that much all thanks to one of my best buds Mara. Me, Mara and Tara were told to do a report on lizards for our science class and if the stress level wasn't enough for this assignment, it's counted as 10 % for our midterm. Mara always works very hard in school, eventhough it's just a little bit of homework she likes to do her very best and most of all she loves thinking out of the box which meant she doesn't play it safe and she does things others might not think of doing. Maybe that's why she's the top student in our school. Anyways Mara is sort of a happy go lucky person. By that I mean she's always in a good mood even in bad times cause she always thinks positively. It's really annoying when were all in a bad mood and she just starts smilng and tries to crack up jokes and tells us the bright side of the problem eventhough I know that's what we're suppsed to be doing, thinking bout the bright side of the problem. She also exagerates sometimes and the worst thing is that she doesn't know how to have fun. She's too cautious and she thinks too much before she does something. She doesn't know how to let loose and just go with it. I've tried everything to get her to be more outgoing but when it comes to fun stuff she's not outgoing at all.
Tara on the other hand is a more relaxed person. She goes along with things and she's pretty good in school as well. We're both as smart as each other thanks to Mara. Since the first time Mara moved here all three of us instantly became the best of friends. Before this it was just the two of us. Mara really tutored us so we did well in our exams and I guess she really cares about us.
So anyways back to Tara. Well I guess you could say that she is the glue that kept us together and without her me and Mara would've been going at each other and we three would have fallen apart. She's also very pretty. I would say the prettiest amongst the three of us and she's also the most quite one I would say. She doesn't talk much around people but around us and other people that she's close to she always has something to say and then she keeps quite and listens again. She's the person you would go to if you had some trouble cause she would listen to you and when your done pouring everything out she would put herself in your shoes and give her thought on what you should do. She's also very good at art.
Both of my best buds make me feel like I have no talent at all. I mean Tara's got the whole art thing going on and Mara well she's smart, she's an all rounder and most of all she has a Diploma for piano and violin by the age of 15. Were all 16 now and Mara's birthday is in two weeks. I feel so left out when it comes to competitions cause both of them always go out to represent our school while I just watch and support them from the sidelines. I don't feel special at all and I've told this to Mara and Tara before and all that they said was that I have a hidden talent and that I have to keep trying things out and that one day I'll surely find it. Mara asked me to start with the things I like to do but I've tried a bunch of them but never got to accomplishing anything. But then she called me lazy cause I only tried them once and didin't even do them over and over again to see if I really could do it. To be honest I think a persons talent should be coming naturally when they do it for the first time but that's not what Mara thinks.
So anyways, I'm here standing alone abbandoned by the only two people I came with. I'm so bored standing next to this lady who's just sitting lazily looking bored and not doing her job. So I start taking my phone out and plugged in my earphones. I pressed play on my playlist which consists of all of my favourite songs. I then went on twitter so I don't have to look at all these reptiles which were actually quite far away. Seeing that Twitter had nothing interesting going on at the moment I decided to go on Tumblr instead.
While I was scrolling through some really cool fashion blogs someone tapped on my shoulder. I thought that Mara and Tara had finished with whatever they were doing and wantd to go but I was wrong. A guys voice came from behind me saying, "So what's a pretty little lady like you doing in a reptile convention all alone? I thought most girls hated lizards and snakes."
Note: Sorry it's a very short chapter but I hope you enjoy it! ;)

How One Person Can Change Your Life - ( A Jay McGuiness Fanfic )
FanfictionSabrina never thought she was special. To her, Mara and Tara her best friends had great talents and were much better than her.Until....... Someone walked into her life and made her feel special and made her feel like she was somebody. Only that pers...