Chapter 5

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As we waited, people soon saw a figure, floating over us all.

"What's that?" I ask Sapphire, as usual.

"I don't know." She says. The figure just floated there, it was menacing as it floated. It was floating there for several minutes, staring at us. It had on a large robe that was pure black, with no hoodie. The figure then raised it's hands into the air.

"Hello there, SCP foundation." The figure said loudly, it was as if it was on a speaker. But there were no speakers for it to speak through.

"What the hell? How's it speaking like that from far away?" I was in shock. I heard people talking about the figure. It has been there for several minutes looking down at us.

"You may wonder who I am. I am not just someone. I am a leader, a entire foundation. I am equivalent to your entire foundation. If anyone of the O5 is listening, then I have news for you. I am the leader of God's Revival. I am also the only member, but don't underestimate me, O5. For I told have power like yours." The voice said.

"The O5? I've heard about them... They're all powerful and gods... He wants to talk to such a group of people?" I was shocked on the mere presence of this man. He was clearly confident in saying this.

"You all wonder who I am, but that doesn't matter. What matters is what I represent. Listen to me now foundation. Hand over every single SCP to me for the once again revival of the god himself. You may know who I speak of." He smirked. "If you dont then I'll show you my power." Then another figure floated up to him. I noticed one as that women who froze 682. The other was a man. They were arguing with the man in the robe, this infuriated the man in the robe. He then stook his hand out and just by that the ground shook violently and it split open. "This is the power. That of God's disciple! I am his child! Almost his reincarnation made weaker. You will all soon know of me and my power! I am not a joke! I am serious! I know everything you don't know! Once he is revived then every single person will reunite in his existence. This will begin with the sun. The sun will lead you all and finish every single person on Earth. Followed then by the openings of heaven itself, then he will appear and destroy everything for a greater new universe. Embrace God, embrace him as he is your lord! Everything you know will soon come to a resolve once the plan goes correct! Death doesn't matter for it only grants you a earlier release! All those that died today are now with him! They are a part of him! Become one with the god, if you don't then you are the problem as you will have later release to heaven. The multiverse revolves around HIM! IT IS THE END FOR ALL! THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE WILL KNOW OF HIM, EMBRACE HIM AND DIE! BRING ME THE SCPS NOW!" The man was infuriated and he rode his hands to the air and the ground split even more, some people fell down and died as the ground split open.

"What the fuck is this guy doing? He's crazy! And powerful!" I say, I hold on as the ground splits open.

"People are falling... This guy is crazy, and serious! You've got to be kidding me! He is really about to do this all?" Canel said. I look up and see the man in robes laugh, the women floating near him then stook her hand out to freeze him. The cold smoke flew through the air. As the smoke cleared, we saw the man just laughing. We were amazed to see him, without a single scrape or piece of ice on him.

"YOUR POWERS ARE NOTHING FOR A GOD'S MESSANGER!" He said. The other man floating then got a hammer out of thin air and slammed him with it, the man in the robe simply blocked the attack.

"HOW?" The other man floating yelled out.

"YOU PEOPLE REALLY HAVE NO RESPECT, DO YOU?" He kept on laughing. He flicked his finger and blasted back both of the people with just a flick of his finger. A intense amount of wind came out from the flick of his finger that pushed people back, some people even went flying backwards.

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