Chapter 1

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Kellin’s POV:

“Have you ever felt so emotionally empty, but at the same time you want to, like, just explode with all of these feelings? Like sometimes when you’re in that careless mood you can feel all the emotions in you but you suppress them and act like you don’t care? Or there are those times when you are feeling so emotional and you just want to push it away and you can’t and you feel like they’re going to take over you? Like you have no control over your emotions no matter what you do? It’s like you’re blindly forced to think and feel these things and you just can’t stop it no matter how intense it is? Why do you think emotions work like that sometimes?” I asked dreamily as I gazed up at the bright blue sky.

“Come on, Kells, you get a little philosophical when you’re high.” My best friend, Tay, said as she pried the joint from my fingers. It wasn’t very often that I did marijuana, but when I did it would hit me hard and fast with the affects.

“Answer me.” I said and turned my head to look at her. She was laying there with her boyfriend, Alex, next to her who was reaching out at the sky and muttering something about the shape of the clouds.

“I don’t know. I’m pretty good at controlling my emotions.” She said. I frowned and looked back at the sky, quickly forgetting about the topic at hand because I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“Where do angels sleep when there are no clouds in the sky?” Alex asked, making both Tay and I laugh. Both of them very rarely did this either, so it was always hilarious to hear the things they come up with.

I guess you could say there would be a better place to get high, and not during the first day back at school in the middle of the football field, but I didn’t care if we got caught. In fact, even when I heard Coach McKinnon’s familiar shout, I didn’t panic.

“Hey! What are you doing out of class?!” He shouted. The three of us sat up, looking at the coach who had just walked out of the locker rooms and onto the field. A smile found its way onto my lips as I looked at the other two.

“Whoever gets caught first buys the others lunch tomorrow.” I bet them. The other two looked just as amused as I did and nodded.

“You’re on.” The said in unison and then the three of us were up and running in the opposite direction of Coach McKinnon.

“Hey! Get back here this instant!” Coach yelled after us, but of course we didn’t stop. Alex, the fastest of us all, was practically dragging Tay along with him, both of them were going a lot faster than I was. I slowed down a little and part of me actually wanted to be caught. I looked back behind me and saw Coach McKinnon gaining on us.

“Hurry up, Kellin.” Tay called back to me urgently. I smiled at her.

“Nah, I’m good.” I said and fell into a walk. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, but kept running with Alex. Only seconds later a hand latched around my arm, although not tightly at all.

“Now, now, no need to man-handle me.” I said to the Coach and stopped walking. Once he was sure I wasn’t going to run he let me go. I looked to see the other two were long gone by now and Mr Mckinnon wouldn’t be able to catch up with them.

“Of course, Mr Quinn, I should have known it was you skipping class.” He said. I pouted at him.

“Am I really that predictable? Man I’ve gotta step up my game.” I said in mock disappointment. Coach McKinnon, in fact all teachers at this school, were used to my, what do they call it? Oh yes, my bad attitude. It’s gotten to the point where it doesn’t even faze them anymore.

“Come on, you know the drill.” He said with a sigh and gestured back to the school building.

“Oh right, you have to escort me to my hot date with Principal Holland, of course.” I joked. He just rolled his eyes and we began walking. It was quite often when I got caught skipping, but I didn’t enjoy woodwork or gym, so those classes I would always skip.

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