Troubling times, 1

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You were excited to say the least! You are going to have a baby!

Not just any baby but Tom Hiddleston's baby! You couldnt wait to tell him the good news and tonight seemed like a good night since both yours and his friends were coming for dinner tonight. You can tell everyone at once about the little life that was growing inside of you.

So surrounded by friends you stood and tapped the side of your glass, ready to make your anouncement.

" Everyone, I have good news to bring and I hoep you will be just as happy as I am right now. Tom..Everyone...I am preagnat!" you said happily and everyone cheered. hugs were gave as well as kisses but one person seemed to missing. Tom was no where to be seen and this began to worry you. Benedict gave you a warm hug and congradulated you and Tom.

" Where the hell is he anyways?" Ben asked looking around the room not spying his good friend. " I dont know, once I told the news he disappeared" you said as you also looked around the room in search of your boyfriend.

" You stay here with the guests Y/N, Ill go look for him" Ben said as he knew one spot you didnt, on where Tom might be.

Ben made his way up to the roof and low and behold there stood Tom looking over the city lights. His knuckles white while he gripped the railing. " Tom? Shouldnt you be inside hugging your girl?" Ben asked as Tom sighed, " She wasnt suppose to become preagnat Ben, I am not ready to be a father, I am known world wide. My career has just taken off and I just dont know...." Tom started. Ben sighed and walked towards Tom.

"So what are you going to do Tom? Leave her alone to take care of the baby, while you go on about your career like you never had a life with her?" Ben asked as Tom looked at him. " I never said that Benedict!" Tom growled low.

" The way your sounding Tom is that you dont want the baby thats growing inside the woman you claim to love" Ben said as he leaned his back agiasnt the railing while looking at Tom. He crossed his arms over his chest.

" I do love her, unconditionally Benedict but I am not ready for a screaming child" Tom sighed as he rubbed his face, trying to think.

" If we're so much of a burden to you Tom. Then maybe we should leave" came a ragged voice from the roof's door. Both Tom ans Ben whipped around to see you standing at the door with tears in your eyes.

" Oh God, Darling..I.." Tom began but you held up your hand to silence him, you couldnt bare to hear another word. You turned around and walked out the door, slamming it on Tom's voice telling you to wait!

You didnt care about the guests that were enjoying the food you had prepared, you didnt care about anything anymore, just getting away and having some time to think about what your nex step would be...

With your purse and keys in hand you made your way to the garage and climbed into your car. You started the engine and the side door opended up. " Go away Tom, I go..Oh Sophie?!"

She smiled at you and gave you a look, " Thought you might want some company. I know a great place for chocolate cake and piping hot Earl Grey tea" she said and you couldnt help but smile. You pulled out of the drive way and sped off.

Tom rushed into the flat looking at all the faces in the room but the one he was looking for wasnt to be seen. Where are you he thought as other people began congradulating him, he said thanks and kept his eyes on trying to find you but to know avail.

People began to slowly leave, Leaving only Tom and Ben in the flat. Tom was beginning to worry, your preagnat upset angry and you were missing!!

" Fucking A" Tom muttered as he slammed him self into the couch. He covered his face and suddenly felt warm tears falling from his eyes.

"What I'm I going to do Ben? I am so conflicted right now. Its possible I may have ruined my relationship," Tom groaned as he took out his phone and looked at the clock, Its 2 in the morning! Where are you! he thought as the front door opened and Tom's head spun around; hoping that was you walking through the door, only to see Ben's wife Sophie enter the flat.

Tom sighed and was about to ask if she had seen you wehn Ben spoke, " Darling I wish you would have told me you were leaving. You know how I worry about you and the baby being gone for too long" he said as he kissed her cheek and place his palm on her growing baby bump.

Tom could only stare at the couple, that should have been you and him.... Tom sighed until he flet a sting on his left cheek!

" What the hell was that for?!" he grunted holding his cheek in suprise that Sophie actually smacked him. The thing to know about Sophie is that she is a very sweet kind woman, loves her husband and family very much and will do anything in her power to keep them happy.

When you told her about what Tom had said Sophie became angry, A child is a wonderful thing!

" What were you thinking you daft man!" she growled as she glared at Tom. His eyes looked down and sighed, " I wasnt thinking about the woman I love, i wasnt thinking about the fact she is carrying my baby inside her womb, Your right I wasnt thinking about anything" he said as he looked up at Sophie with tears streaming down his face and a angry red hand print on his cheek.

Benedict pulled Sophie to him afriad that if she became any angrier she might just kill Tom.

" Do you know where she is sweetie? Ben asked and Sophie nodded. "She just dropped me off here with a message for Tom" she said.

Tom's head spun up to look at Sophie; waiting to hear the message. Sophie sighed and took a glup of air before she spoke.

" She says its over Tom and she is going back home, dont worry about her or the baby. She can take care of it on her own."

Tom felt his heart stop in his chest, his mouth became dry and his lips trembled. Tears rolled down his face as he let out a harsh sob.

Ben covered his mouth and looked away for a moment. Sophie wiped her tears away already missing her best friend.

The room was a deathly silence as Tom looked up at all the photo's that lined the walls of the flat. He built a life with you...

but with a few words, he brought that life to a screatching hault....

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