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Since the last few sessions, he stopped giving a single word. Although all he ever lent was his screams and cries as he pleaded with the Imperial Guard to stop and confessed to know nothing.

Yet every time he had tried to tell him the truth, obviously not being what Seonghwa wanted to hear, his claims were dismissed before he could even assert them, being brutally beaten or slammed into a wall to unconsciousness or on rare, lucky occasions, restrained in extreme stress positions for prolonged periods.

He had realised it, no matter how much he raised his voice, it would fall on deaf ears. Seonghwa was never going to take it for an answer, so he was not going to waste the almost non-existent life source left in his body on screeching his lungs out.

He just let himself be thrashed, excoriated, or even branded; no struggle, no resistance, like he wasn't even in his body anymore, as if he had lost his sentience.


The lack of response was provoking his Master even more, and at that, he exploded in a paroxysm of rage.

He struck the dagger a mere inch away from his temple, "You want me to make more room here? For my voice to enter your retarded brain? Huh? You want me to crop these auricles?"

He looked like a rabid dog, rendered senseless, ravenous to sink its canines in his flesh.

The last threads of tolerance holding him back snapped. He barked. Maybe that was the only way Jongho could get his words through this rabid hound.

"It's obvious he doesn't know a damn thing! So please stop; don't demonize your human self!"

Seonghwa snapped to face his own underling who dared to stand up against him. Brandishing his crazed look, he turned his complete attention to Jongho now.

He didn't seem to be in his senses right now and that was scary. Jongho looked at his feet as the other walked towards him. "I mean, you are trying to drown the fish here."

Very uncannily, the Imperial Guard's voice was always too calm, not advocating his current outward appearance in any way. "It's because you, my Royal Guard got the wrong fish."

So now it's his fault.

"I'm letting him off the hook now. I've got bigger fishes to fry." He sheathed his dagger in a well-versed motion as he left, as if nothing had just happened.

With him gone Jongho turned to check on the inmate, who looked at him as if he were trying to thank him, still gasping for air from the horror of the recent happenings and the blows that were wielded on his abdomen.

He left him behind gritting his teeth to follow his cruel master.

As if he was waiting for him to catch up, he saw his superior stationed ahead. With just one look Jongho knew, he was being summoned.

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