Chapter 1

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6 years have passed since that fateful day, and their friendship has only gotten stronger and better. The two were so inseparable that they are always in each other's happenings. Even today, they'll be heading off to their first day as high school students together in OTR High.

"Aish, where is he?" Nako scratched her head for the 3rd time today. She could've gone ahead and waited for her bestfriend inside the event center, but for some reason, she wanted to enter the premises together with him.

"I swear, if he doesn't arrive in the next 10 seconds, I'll-"

Suddenly, a hand covered her eyes or rather, her whole face. Due to the hand's size, she already knew who it belonged to.

"Nako-chin~" He said in his usual, lazy-like voice. "Good morning~"

He then removed his hand away from her face.

"You're late!" Nako turned around and playfully slapped his stomach. "Where have you been?!"

"Sorry~ Were you waiting for me?"

"Yes, for 30 minutes," Nako pouted and crossed her arms. Yongrae giggled and ruffled her hair.

"Oops~. I won't be late next time, I promise!"

"You always say that, yet you always do it, Ki-chan."

"But it's for reals this time~"

"Okay, whatever. Let's just head inside. The ceremony is about to start!"

"Alright, alright~"


After (boring) 30 minutes of teachers talking and welcoming the freshmen, the welcoming ceremony finally ended.

Since it's the first day, the teachers decided to let them roam around the campus, familiarize themselves with the environment, and most importantly, check out some clubs.

Oddly enough, the campus has a tradition where all the clubs get to promote themselves to the students. The freshmen are required to check out the clubs by the side of the school building and join at least one of them.

"Why is joining a club mandatory~?" Yongrae whined like a kid.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad. Besides, we can meet new people if we join one!" Nako reasoned to him as he just grumbled. "What about basketball? You love playing that sport, right?"

"Oh yeah~ But I don't see one anywhere," Yongrae looked around trying to find the basketball club's stand. Fortunately for him, he didn't need to search for it any longer.

"Excuse me," A club member tapped Yongrae's arm. "Sorry to bother you. Are you perhaps interested in joining the basketball club?"

"Uhm... Yeah~ How did you know?"

"Well, assuming by your height, it's not uncommon to guess that you play the sport."

"Hmm~ That's true."

"Our club stand is just a few meters away from here. You can sign the application form there," The club member said.

"Okay~ Just give me a sec," Yongrae told the club member and turned his attention to Nako.

"Hey, Nako-chin. I'm going to sign the form over there~ What about you? Are you okay walking alone or do you want to come with me?" He asked her softly.

"Oh, I can stroll around while I find a club to join," Nako smiled cutely. "Just call me when you're done, okay?"

"Okay~ Take care~"

The Squirrel and The Tree (Nako x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now