chapter i.

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                   THE BIGGEST ISSUE Luna had with her whole situation wasn't the fact that she had been disowned and basically thrown out, it was how ironic the whole thing had been

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                   THE BIGGEST ISSUE Luna had with her whole situation wasn't the fact that she had been disowned and basically thrown out, it was how ironic the whole thing had been.

Growing up in Los Angeles, Luna definitely considered herself a city girl. She didn't live a posh life but she was comfortable and she was honestly grateful for it. She spent her days at school and with her friends, except for Saturdays where her family would drive to a small town outside of LA to visit family. A bonfire would always be lit after the moon rose as the families told stories, legends of different Mayan and Aztec culture. Stories that Luna had never taken seriously until recently.

Two days ago, Luna had gone with her family, to the same bonfire, with the same smell of freshly cooked tamales when everything had gone wrong. A text had brightened up her phone screen, she had excused herself fully aware of the pointed look her mother had given her, and walked well away. It had been her boyfriend, he had written four words that made the brunette's stomach drop, we need to talk.

She had immediately dialed his number, anxious with a warmth that spread all over her body. It made her fidgety until a click sounded and a hello was heard over the line.

"Hey, what did you need to talk about?" Luna's voice had come out unintentionally breathy a fact that even today she was still cursing herself for.

She heard a sigh before he started talking, "Luna, this isn't something I wanna do over the phone."

His tone of voice made her heart rate speed up, she could feel it hammering in her chest as her grip tightened around her phone.

"Do what? Just tell me already, stop dragging this out." The heat she could feel spreading, making her snappy.

"Luna. We should.... we should break up. I don't think we're right for each other anymore."

A soft laugh left Luna's lips, "That's a funny joke, no but seriously tell me what you wanted to say."

"Luna! See this is what's wrong with us. You never listen to me."

"I never listen? Are you listening to yourself right now?" Luna heard a strange rustling noise on the other end, but it didn't seem to hold her attention for long as her anger began to rise.

"Luna come on, don't tell me you haven't noticed it either. Let's just do this painlessly, you're still my friend and I don't want to hurt you."

"You don't wanna hurt me, wow what a classic line right there," the rustling got much louder as another voice suddenly cut through. "—baby, what are you doing. Come back to bed I miss you."

A shushing noise was heard over the line, her boyfriend no doubt trying to obviously do some damage control. It was of course the wrong thing to do as Luna felt the white hot anger wash over her, ears ringing as her voice came out eerily calm contrary to what her emotional state really was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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