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When he turned the knob on your front door, Pro Hero Dynamight heard sizzling coming from the kitchen. He smirked at the scent of fried pork mixing with the out of tune voice of his wife.

It has only been a day since he returned to work after your week-long honeymoon and he missed you terribly. As much as he wanted to go home to you, he and Deku were working on a top secret mission that required him to work overtime. It frustrated him so much especially since they were unable to figure out what the patterns of the damn villians terrorizing the city. They had help from Ingenium but most of the things they discussed earlier were merely theories to be tested.

Most of your classmates allowed themselves to be recruited by Deku and Dynamight. You eventually did join their joint agency, after a month of convincing from your then boyfriend's part. You didn't want to mix work with pleasure but Bakugo was adamant that it won't have to come to that.

Even though you were working for the same agency, Bakugo avoided that you be put in the same mission as him. He and Deku came to that agreement when you joined their ranks. It was for safety purposes, he told Deku.

He took his gauntlets off and stored it in the closet near the front door - he usually kept one pair there and the other in your bedroom closet. Kicking off his shoes, he quietly made his way to the kitchen.

Bakugo smirked as he leaned on the doorframe, watching you move your hips to whatever music was blasting off in those earbuds of yours. His vermilion eyes surveyed your pajamas and was reminded about how you never really changed ever since UA High. You still treasured your Hawks t-shirt even though Bakugo has pointed out that he had merch of his own and how you, his wife, is expected to wear them!

(Besides, your Hawks shirt had holes in it which he would never admit that he sometimes poke his fingers through them to make them even more worn out.)

Bakugo stepped forward to catch your small form in his arms, as if to fill the space he had between his arms with you.

"Shit, Suki!" You jumped up, nearly spilling the hot oil from the pan. You found your husband snaking his arms around you further when you relaxed. He burrowed his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. "You okay?"

He nodded and then mumbled something which you didn't catch because his lips were on your skin.

Nobody would have guessed it but Dynamight was quite a clingy man. He always found his way to hold you. May it be a large hand on the square of your back as he led you through the grocery store, his hand holding yours underneath the table during a meeting with the other Pro Heroes in the agency, or even the linked pinkies when you were both talking to different groups of people. Katsuki Bakugo always made sure to keep his contact with you as much as he can.

The distance between you and him in the agency was proving itself to be quite the task for him already but you both did promise to stay out of each other's business when out in your hero costumes.

You didn't have much of a problem with it unlike him. Bakugo made sure you knew he loved you and he never wavered. Never even gave you the chance to doubt his feelings for you.

"Shall we have dinner, Suki?" You turned the fire off from the stove and put a hand on his head, massaging his scalp with your fingers. He let out a sound, which you have deduced to him not wanting to move. "Do you want to cuddle on the sofa instead?" You offered.

Bakugo nodded and let your body go. His hand took yours before tugging you to the sofa, which was faced towards the big windows which gave you and your husband a good view of the city. You sat down and he laid his head on your lap without another word.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As much as he wanted to talk to you, tell you about his day, Bakugo needed the regular quiet time. You found that he took this rarely during your first year in UA High and you were the one who taught him how to recharge without having to go to the gym and destroy something out of frustration. Ever since then, he would withdraw in his room after long days.

He would share this space to you when you two reached your second year. Bakugo would leave his door unlocked for you if you ever want to go and see him. And you did this every single time, either to bring him food or to just accompany him while he mull over his thoughts for the day.

Being such an active part of these quiet moments, you suddenly became the personified meaning of rest for the ever busy Dynamight. The person he goes to when everything was overwhelming for him, the person he turns to when he couldn't withdraw to recharge, and the person who can bring him back to his senses if the pressure is slowly getting to him.

Your fingers traced random shapes on his cheek, hypnotizing the tired man on your lap.

He opened his eyes eventually and he found your eyes watching his face. It made him smile, knowing you would always be there whenever he opens his eyes.

"What is it, Suki? Do you need anything?" You cradled his cheek with your hand and he enjoyed the attention you were showering him. His heart swelled, knowing how much you would give him if he asked but for now, all he needed was...

"Just you, firecracker, just you." He took the hand that was touching his cheek and kissed your knuckles.

Yes. All he ever needed was you.

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