Chapter 8, His cause...

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*No One's POV*

Joey couldn't rest a wink last night. After Seto had fell asleep next to him cuddled up he changed to his spirit form and kept a look out. He didn't trust the world he left behind to not harm the human pair.

He wasn't sure on when his mission would be complete. He knew he had to get Seto to say out loud that he wants to live but would that be the end of it? No longer on Earth with the Kaiba brothers? No longer.... able to remember them? He didn't want his time with the brothers to end. 

Mokuba started to groan as he held himself close, Joey didn't hesitate to take off his jacket on the younger of the brothers. His chest started to hurt as he was close to him, so he floated off and had a look at the surroundings.

He wasn't a hundred percent sure that Marik wasn't still around, but he didn't want to take the risk of getting too far away from the brothers. While looking around, he  spotted ahead of a structure. Wasn't too far from where they were so he decided to have a look.

A little closer to it and Joey landed on the ground. But he started to slow down when he got closer. It was a bridge going arcos a river below it, Joey didn't look down however, he could hear the rushing water.

A harsh shiver went down Joey's body as he held himself, trying to stop himself from shaking but nothing was happening. His head was hurting, throbbing with no explination. 

He had felt this pain before, something pointed stabbing him in his sides, a heavy smack to his head. A fast hand shot to his head to see, he saw blood on it and fell to the ground with heavy pants.

Everything was going blury and he didn't know why, he hadn't broke any rules to his job nor has Seto died.

A pair of hands were thrown to his shoulders making him look up. However he didn't manage to make eye contact with the person before he was thrown over the persons shoulders. 

But he didn't have to guess to know who it was, the only human was is supposed to see him. In seconds Joey managed to calm himself down and gain back a steady breathing pace. Not long after he was brought back to the stones to where Mokuba was now awake and on alert.

"Joey!" Mokuba called out as the blond was placed gently on the ground. Now he could finally see Seto's face, which was riddled with worry. Mokuba tried to reach out but he phased right through Joey, forgetting he couldn't see him when he wasn't a dog.

To stop seto from seeing his face, Joey quickly changed to a dog with Mokuba throwing himslef onto him the moment he could fighting back tears for the dog.

"We were worried when you went missing! I thought something had happened to you, don't wonder off by yourself without telling us!" Mokuba called out rubbing his face into the dog's fur. 

Joey just smiled to himself. A human that wasn't his own was worried about him.

He dared to steal a glance up at Seto, who quickly turned from him. Joey didn't know why he wasn't looking at him.

Time flew with Mokuba going back to sleep cuddled up with Joey's jacket. So the spirit turned from his dog form and joined to Seto's side.

He kept his hands culled together, looking down and not wanting to look at the human.

"A bridge," Seto mumbled making the spirit look towards him. "That has something to do with you dying. Think we'll be best to avoid them from now on."

"We need to cross it in the morning to keep going," Joey mumbled letting his hands fall to his side. "It doesn't matter how I feel. We have to-"

Seto surprised him, he grabbed him and brought him into a hug.

"When I couldn't find you when I woke up I thought you left me," Seto mumbled, burying his face into the crook of Joey's neck.

The spirit didn't know what to do, should he hug him and get closer? Or, should he push him away and keep him at a arms length. He would have to get used to no Joey anyways when he says he wants to live.

"Joey, keep this in mind," Seto said once again and moved to face Joey at eye level. "You can't just walk into someone's life, make them care about you then leave. It doesn't work like that."

"But Seto you know I'm not a normal hu-"

"I don't care!" Seto yelled out tighting the grip he had on the spirit. Joey couldn't help but to blush, his chest was firmly pressed to Seto's own one. "You can't just walk into my life to make me change my mind then leave!!"

Joey was lost for words. He thought for sure he had told Seto that he only is alive ish right now is to make him want to live.

A warm glow started to blind Joey as he looked past the bridge, the sun was raising.

" I think we should get going. If we leave now we will have more daylight," Joey mumbled placing one hand on top of Seto's.

The human was defeated, letting his arms fall from the spirit as Joey took a step forward.

But was pulled back into Seto's chest once again, but this time Seto was taking in his eyes.

Next, he shocked him even more.

Seto kissed his forehead.

"Joey, if you want me to like life then I have one request," Seto said after he moved himself. Joey was red as a tomato from this sentiment. But he didn't want to hear this next sentence. He knew he couldn't grant that wish.

"I can't have you leaving me because right now you are one of the few reasons I am trying."

Well that's not good, Joey being a reason for Seto to be alive but he can't stay with him. Is there a way for Joey to change his feelings? Or has the human already fell to far?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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