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"I found her-" Virat had a fond smile on his face as his eyes drifted towards Anushka for a second, "-she found me, and things were just meant to be." He had completed with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.

In 2013 Virat had spent an entire evening gushing about a girl he had met earlier for an ad shoot, claiming that she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. And Zak had endured his fanboy moment with an indulgent smile.

Three years later, the two men had sat down for a meal together when he recalled this and tried to pull his leg. Instead, he was filled with pride when Virat admitted that Anushka was still the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

It had been no secret that the two of them rarely got any time together. They had to fight for every second together, managing work life, which had been an endless barrier.

And Zak had seen the disappointment on his face when Anushka had informed him midway through a series that she wouldn't be able to make it. The smiles he had forced on his face when all the other guys would go out with their families.

But Virat had never complained about it.

Zak had asked him during the IPL once if this lack of time spent together ever bothered him. Virat had taken a good few seconds to answer that question.

"Jooth nahi kahunga aapse." He had been looking down at his hands the entire time, "Thoda bura lagta hai." He had looked up and passed a small smile to Zak.

"Travelling alone all the time, returning to empty hotel rooms." His voice had been small like he didn't want anyone besides Zak to hear him speak.

"But seeing her work, how much she enjoys that- it liberates me in a way." Virat's smile, which had seemed a little dull earlier, now seemed a lot brighter to him, "If I ask her to come with me, she might make it happen. But if I make her prioritize my work over hers, that's not the way I want her with me."

Zak could hear each word Virat had said in his mind as he stood at the airport. He watched as Sagarika hugged Virat tightly, mumbling something near his ear before letting him go.

"Khayal rakh." Zak murmured as he reached out to hug Virat next and felt the younger boy nod his head, "Anything happens, you call me, understood?" He said in a warning tone, and Virat let out a strained chuckle.

He had tried his best to make them believe that he was doing fine, but the worried glint in their eyes told him that his actions might not have been as convincing this time.

On returning to the hospital, he found himself sitting alone in the parking lot that day. It took him almost an hour to convince himself and go upstairs. Each step he took forward felt like a step closer to his doom. Would this ever end? He thought ruefully as he pushed the door open with trembling hands.

And there she was.

Her skin didn't look as radiant as it had when she had told him about their pregnancy- it had adopted a dull white shade. Those brown strands that once competed with the finest of silk had lost their shine now.

But even as everything glamorous faded away, she had not let it drown herself.

As soon as her ears picked the sound of the door, her eyes instantly found Virat's, and he could see the relief in them. He knew how much she hated being stuck in a place like this, not being able to move around on her own, and guilt chewed his heart. At least she's not alone, he thought. At least he could be with her.

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