Too Fast

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No you don't understand me Percy, I don't love you and I never have, you were just a toy for me. Now I found this amazing man which I actually love.

Pain, it was all I could feel...

My heart breaking into tiny pieces, I decided to confide in my only remaining friend. Piper.

Nah I shouldn't, she's probably broken like myself especially after, that encounter. Your probably wondering what I'm talking about. You see that text in italics? Waay up there right after the ship details... Wait a hot sec- why am I narrating this like this is gonna get published? No way in hell...

Anyway back to the encounter the person who said that was- Annabeth. *Cue Percy looking down in self pity* I honestly couldn't believe her, after everything I've done for her and everything she's done for me I can't believe she was just using me. Now, why would Piper be broken or heartbroken or whatever? Jason. All I can say at this point. Jason and Annabeth kissing at the beach you get the point after reading all those stereotypical fanfiction and oneshots about my shitty life. (No offense to y'all writers just making a point you know? We should all try something new.)

Cue me and Piper running away and getting killed by a bunch of monsters and joining the Primordial Chaos and saving the universe. Just kidding that's dumb, (again no offense to y'all) So after all that crap happening here I am walking to the Aphrodite cabin, probably about to face a bunch of weeping and stuff. Even if I had a few tear streaks anyway...

-Le time skip to a few minutes later-

"Hey Lacy, mind if I see Pipes on this very fine day?" "Sure Perce, but you're not gonna like what your gonna see. Don't worry we all know what happened, because- GoSsIp." And so I walk in to see Piper in a situation which I never thought I'd see her in. No literally it was horrifying. Tissues strewn all over her bunk, ripped up pictures of her and Jason, her staring at said pictures of her and Jason looking at specifically Jason as if he killed her puppy. Her tears had clearly dried out ages ago looking at those eye bags and red streaks on her cheeks.

"Hey Pipes What's up?" "What's up? What's up? What do you think is up Percy?" Damn, she has one hell of a shout-y (would shouty count as a word idk) voice.

"Damn gal, chill. Remember it's not only you who's heartbroken here." "Oh right, I know I just feel like ripping my hair out. My heart feels- well heavy. Like I'm now holding the weight of the world on my shoulders, which you have before. And that too for that lying and cheating... butt-face."

"It's okay, I'm always here you know that right?" " Of course I know Perce, but what if I told you something highly secretive?"

"You know I'll always listen". Honestly, I'd kinda lost interest in Annabeth after the prophecy of the 7 but nevertheless stayed loyal. It still hurt to be betrayed by the one you love after so many hardships. "After the prophecy of the 7, I'd kind of lost interest in Jason. But I stayed loyal because I don't want to be like my sleeping around mother." Hope slowly rose from my chest, what if? "But now Jason is well nothing but my disloyal ex, I'm ready to open up. I kind of- maybe- really like a lot like you!" She rushed out. My powers acted up somehow. Drying off her tears, I guess her's did too because her eyebags and tear streaks disappeared and mine probably did too. "I- I- like you too!" I can't believe I stuttered bro, well hopefully this turns out well. Her eyes widened, I decided to speak again " Will you maybe go out with me? Totally your choice no stress!" One word. "YES"

This was waaaaaay too fast, but I liked it.



Too Fast (Percy Jackson OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now