018. dream her concerns away

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Chapter Eighteen
Dream Her Concerns Away.


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DREAMING. A POPULAR form of escapism. The beauteous worlds created by the inner mind. It forms whenever one needs to get away. Or to run away from reality. Temporarily, it makes one happy, but after awhile, no one can really get rid of the brutal truth.

The harsh reality.

"Of course the infuriating brat is sleeping, we're all working our backs off and the little bastard is doing nothing," tutting under her breath, Mi-nyeo brought up a piece of metal and let it clang against the side of Aera's bed loudly, earning herself a few looks.

The make believe island that Aera always dreamt about, began to fade away from existence, leaving her empty handed and only fear crawling on to her back. Her eardrums felt tender as the room bustled, bringing her palms towards the sides of her temple, she rubbed them. Beginning to feel lightheaded as her vision pixelated as she got up, she gripped on to a frame, the surface was rough from some blood that dried on it.

Glancing slowly around her, a small yawn stumbled from her lips, moistening her eyes for a few moments. Not being cautious enough, a large bed frame swooped over her head, yelping, she ducked down just in time, "Ali! Trying to decapitate my head now are we? I quite like my head, I don't feel like losing it today." With both hands rested on her scalp, Aera's eyes landed on Ali who shrugged their shoulders sheepishly with a guilty smile.

"Sorry Hwang Aera!" Ali chirped.

Placing a hand on her hip for stability with a heartened smile, Aera waved it off, "you're good!" She gave him a thumbs up as he walked into the distance.

Stopping short with an emphatic sigh, another tut fell out of Mi-nyeo's lips as she sent a scowl towards Aera, "look at who decided to join the crew," looking around her shoulders with an obnoxious guffaw, "did you have a good sleep," Mi-nyeo asked sarcastically.

Nearing Mi-nyeo, Aera tried to mock her expression with a suppressed eye roll, "guess what? I did- I've never had such a nice sleep," gritting her teeth, her awkward stance was almost a give away to her lie. The whole twenty minutes, her limbs were bubbling with pain. At every breath, a twinge of agony ripped at her muscles- the Tug-of-War game injured most parts of her body.

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