One thing you learn throughout life, especially in the younger years, is that you can choose what you do in life, that you can create your own destiny. Which inherently means that there are an infinite amount of possibilities in which you can live your life.
There's also this phrase: "Everything happens for a reason."
Which means there is a reason that led you to read this book and this chapter. And there was something that led me to publish this. And there's a reason we all came into existence. (No, nothing meaningful here, the reason for your existence is that two people did something together.)
It that is the case, than each effect of the cause will become the cause of another effect. So, everything we being done now will be the cause for future events.
Which means you can't change the future.
If world war 3 is to happen, and we learn it will, anything we do to supposedly avoid the war--attempts to quickly solve international problems, peace treaties, etc.--will instead cause it. Because, as another saying goes, "A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it."
Are you following?
So basically, the point is that everything might not be random chance of fate, but instead is predestined. Anything that will happen in the future has already been predetermined by events from the past and events happening now. And as a result, you can't change the future. No matter what you think.
But who knows. This is just a philosophical theory.
A/N: I originally got this idea from a friend. I then decided to share this with y'all. This is my elborated interpretation of his idea. You can find his presentation at
and i hope you enjoyed a little bit of asdf :D
The Dragon's Lair
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