I don't always understand you...but that's okay.

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(Back with those titles lmao. Anyway, here's the next chapter, a Halloween based one since it's coming up and I've written NOTHING-)

Riku decided to go visit the coffee shop again since he had nothing else to do, and he wanted a pumpkin spice latte.

It was getting dark when he arrived, and he saw something he thought he'd never see.

"Hi Riku!" Sora grinned at him with...fangs?

'What the hell?'

Sora was dressed up in a *vampire costume and Vanitas was wearing a CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow costume.

"Someone dared us to switch outfits..." Vanitas wouldn't look at him. He was probably embarrassed.

"Yeah! And I get to be a vampire for Halloween now!" Sora was excited as usual.

'Halloween...? Oh crap.'

He forgot that was coming up...unless it was tonight and he just forgot. Made sense why those two were dressed up though.

"I'll take your order in a second." Sora waved him in before crouching down to talk to a kid who was coming by, probably trick or treating.

"O...okay." Realizing he was staring, he went inside the shop.

Some of the customers were dressed up too, which meant it was Halloween.

Aqua and Terra, two seniors at school, were dressed up as Cinderella and Prince Charming respectively. Ventus was dressed up as a...neko?

"He couldn't decide what to wear and it doesn't even match the other two..." Roxas was next to him dressed up as Peter Pan (he'd tell you it was actually Link so it would sound cooler) facepalming. They sat at a table so the doorway wasn't blocked.

"Oh..." Yeah, that explains things. At least Ven's better than him since he's not even wearing a costume.

"Are you supposed to be dressed up as a high schooler or something?" Roxas snickered at him.

Riku rolled his eyes. "No, I just forgot it was Halloween that's all..."

"No discount for you then. People in costume get a discount on their coffee and free candy."

Seriously? He didn't even know that either. Just how out of it was he today? He noticed Kairi and Namine, dressed as the Red Queen and White Queen from Alice in Wonderland, sitting a table away from them. Kairi used to have a crush on Sora, but he didn't return her feelings. They're still friends though.

"Kay Riku! I can take your order now!" Sora waved at him from the counter.

"Be back." Riku went up to order. The brunette looks so happy to see him...but he's happy to see everyone...right? "Where's Vanitas?"

"I left him to talk to the little kids. He needs the social interaction anyway. Not to mention he's good at scaring people." A little too good.

"Right...anyway, I'll take a pumpkin spice latte."

"Oooh, good choice! It'll be ready in a few." Sora smiled at him and Riku felt the butterflies retuning before he went back to Roxas and sat down.

"So you ask him out yet?"

Riku stared at him, not hearing what he said. "Sorry?"

"Oh nothing." The smirk on his face was bothering Riku a little bit, but he didn't know why.

"All right.."

They talked about school and other things, and even Xion stopped by for a few minutes (as the Cheshire Cat) to pick up Kairi and Namine so they could go to a Halloween party.

Riku got his drink and went outside with Roxas (it took longer than usual since Sora kept messing up :( ) as Sora was closing up early so he could go trick or treating. Aqua and Terra had taken Ven trick or treating as well.

"How did you even find this place?"

Riku looked at the blonde. "Huh? Oh, Demyx kept talking about it and eventually had me check it out for myself."

"All right..." Roxas seemed to take his answer as Sora came out.

"Let's go trick or treating guys!" Sora dragged Vanitas to the house across the street despite his protests.

"Watch where you're going Sora!" Roxas called after him, shaking his head. He turned to Riku. "Are you coming?"

"I don't think I should." They seem like a close group of friends, and he just entered their lives a few days ago. It would feel like he was intruding on them. He walked away to go home.

He didn't miss the next words the boy spoke. "Sora would love it if you came with us."


*Just imagine Sora's KH2 vampire costume.

Did Riku end up going or not? Yes, I kinda left it open-ended on purpose. Also THAT WAS REVENGE FOR MAKING SORA SAD VANITAS. 😠

Vanitas: Oh boo-hoo. 🙄

Sora: I kinda wanted to be Jack Sparrow though... 🥺

Jack Sparrow: *Pops out of nowhere.* That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow to you!

You're not even supposed to be here.

Jack Sparrow: Right, my apologies. *He's a Pirate starts playing and Jack jumps out a window.*


Don't worry, he made it back safe. I hope. Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter and Happy Halloween! 🎃)

Written on: October 29, 2021

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