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6:02 PM

Karina threw herself on to her bed. She was exhausted, even though she had woken up only a few hours earlier. That's when she remembered she hadn't seen Winter since the club.
She grabbed her purse and took her phone out, the shattered screen threatened to cut the tips of her fingers if she wasn't very careful.
She plugged it in and waited for it to turn on, the battery empty screen shining a dim light in her pitch dark room. She closed her black out curtains as soon as she walked into her room, not being able to deal with anymore light. The soup had only helped a little bit, she still had a pounding headache.

The familiar sound of her phone finally turning on surprised her a little but she quickly grabbed it and opened it.
The wifi connected and she was bombarded by messages from Winter.

Winter ❄️

Winter: Karina:

Karina! Oh my god, are you okay?

Hey Ter-bear, I'm fine. I just got home.

Jeez, I was about to call the cops
I thought you got kidnapped

I had the craziest night...
You wont believe what happened...

I don't know,
Sunoo tried to make a move on you?

No way, I wouldn't let him
Its better!
Sunghoon and I spent the night together...

Huh?! No way? How even?

I fucking know right!
I wasn't going to tell you this because you'd
just call me insane and a stalker but I'll tell you
because my plan worked out so well...


BASICALLY, i e-stalked his girlfriend, right?
And apparently she's out of town...
So I thought it was the perfect opportunity to go
to the club he's always at! And didn't even need to
convince you because Jay hangs out there as well
Then I remembered something about this article
i read in a magazine... and what it said is to just act
crazy, like, not insane crazy but wild! To be a change
from their stuffy ass girlfriends... AND IT WORKED!
IT FUCKING WORKED! He's like totally in love
with me now...

Yeah, so insane and stalker was right...

Oh come on Winter... you have to admit,
i executed it perfectly didnt I?

She laughed
I do have to give you credit there

Karina smiled at winters cute laugh
Anyways, how did it go with you and Jay?

It was fine, although him and his boys
just rushed off at one point and i was left alone



I totally forgot to tell you...
Sunghoon and I totaled his car

Huh? You got into a car accident?!

Lol yeah, I think we actually killed people...

Oh my god... are you okay?
Did you get hurt?

Well, IM fine but Sunghoon got messed up
He has like a broken bone and a head injury
AND no car...

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