Enagement Party

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Michael POV

Me and prince are having our engagement Party tonight this was a new chapter that we were entering together

Prince POV

Me and Michael are having our engagement party tonight we are entering this new chapter together I was so excited

Michael came to introduce prince to the rest of his family that came to visit from Indiana they were wonderful and made him laugh

Prince came to sit down next to Michael as everyone was getting to eat expect them everyone had a good time together just laughing talking etc

Michael And Prince were being lovey dovey with each other...prince couldn't keep his hands off of Michael it was the cutest thing ever they were so happy together

Michael And Prince came to the center of the backyard and got their picture taken together as a engaged couple ....prince kissed Michael cheek as he was smiling for the camera it was the cutest thing ever

Prince jumped on Michael back and it was the cutest thing ever the photographer thought they were so cute together the pictures will be ready next week everyone had a good time together

Next Day

Prince POV

Yesterday was so beautiful and memory to share forever with Michael everyone had a good time

Michael POV

Yesterday was a day to remember everyone had a good time with each other

Prince came down and wished Michael a good morning he sat on the counter

Michael: Did you enjoy yourself yesterday

Prince: yes I did

Michael: ok the wedding planners are here

Michael knew it and he didn't even have to answer the door to know that

They came to the living to discuss everything and chose a wedding day

Prince: July 29th

They wrote it down and Michael agreed with prince on getting married on that day

Michael: we're going to get married at the Ritz Hotel in Paris France

Jospeh: ok is that everything

They both said yes and said goodbye to everyone they will be flying out to France to start planning the wedding for the happy couple

In a few months prince will be walking down the aisle to marry the man he loves after seven years together and all the wonderful memories they have shared together over the years

Many people didn't accept the fact that Michael and Prince were dating but that didn't bother prince and he didn't care what people had to say about him and his relationship with Michael they were happy

Michael also been insecure about his relationships they never lasted long throughout his life but he was shocked to know that him and prince made it this far into their relationship and for the first time Michael was actually happy

Prince was amazed himself when him and Michael got together he's never had any luck with relationships either but he was happy to have Michael in his life and he was happy his relationships never lasted either but him and Michael are perfect for each other and were true soulmates after all Michael And Prince had a relationship that many people wished to have in their life but it was difficult to find that one person that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with of course and some people were jealous that they have a relationship like that they do argue and have disagreements with each other but no matter what they loved each other dearly

A Week Later

Prince POV

Michael came into the house and slammed the door who made him upset this time

Michael POV

I slammed the door and walked in the house I was deeply upset

There was a knock on the door and it was the one person prince didn't t want to see Michael ex prince came to check on Michael while the security ask him to leave

Prince: just tell me what's wrong

Michael: promise you won't get mad

Prince knew that was a sign that he was going to get mad

Prince: I can't promise you that

Michael: please

Prince: Fine

Michael turned around and Michael had a black eye prince got so upset

Michael: you said you wouldn't mad

Prince: Who did this to you

Michael: who'd you think

Prince was ready to fight but Michael not to cause it'll make everything worse it wasn't worth it

Michael: please for me

Prince: Fine but next time I'm not backing down

Michael: thank you

Prince came to get an ice pack to put on his eye it sting a little bit Michael didn't like violence he knew his ex would try and do this

Prince: wanna tell me how this happened

Michael told him how it happened it made prince blood boil but he told mochas next time he isn't backing down he only did it because of Michael who had tears coming down his face

Michael just wanted to sleep so he ended his day early his eye will be fully healed

Prince came to tell everyone a goodbye and locked the door since it was night time he came to shower so he can get ready for bed tonight

Prince was in the shower deep in thought thinking about what happened to Michael he was so upset about it

Prince POV

I was deep in thought thinking about what happened to Michael I was so upset but I didn't do anything because he didn't want me to but next time I won't back down

Prince brushed his teeth and came to lay down next to Michael who was peacefully he noticed that his eye was healing pretty quickly ....He turned the light and turned over to go to sleep

That's when the air conditioner came on and filled up the whole house ...it's been a good minute since they went to seep and it started to rain outside

The sound of rain was very relaxing for them as they slept Michael knew that his eyes was healed

It rained the whole night out and it was cold in their home

Next chapter is coming

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