July 29th 1991

49 0 0

Michael POV

Me and prince got married yesterday it was a beautiful ceremony but I was out prince became curious as to why I was leaving the house so much it's night time here

Prince POV

Me and Michael got married yesterday everything was so beautiful but I was so curious as to why he was leaving the house to much so I followed him

Michael walked into this restaurant to wait up on somebody prince walked in and was spying on him without being noticed

Someone came in and sat in front of Michael it was about prince but Michael said his ex would not touch him cause of prince he knew his anger and attitude when people try to hurt him

?: well do you want me to do anything

Michael: no I'm just not going to worry about it

?: ok but if you change your mind you know where to find me

Michael: yes I do thank you

The person got up and Michael was deep in thought he felt eyes on when he turned around prince covered his face ...Michael shook the feeling away and prince saw him walking out ...So he came home


Prince POV

I made it home before Michael who was that guy he was talking to I came to take a quick to make it seem like I was at home and changed to my night clothes that's when I heard Michael walking in the bathroom

Michael POV

I made it home I came upstairs I was so exhausted I saw prince in his night clothes he was so cute and small at the same time

Michael came to take his shower so he can get ready for bed it's been a long day for him

Prince closed the bedroom door and turned the light off he came to lay down

Prince: are you ok

Michael: yes I'm fine

Prince: ok

Michael: goodnight

Prince: goodnight

Prince turned the light off and they went to sleep


Prince POV

I woke up and didn't feel Michael it was midnight so I got up and came to downstairs to see Michael

Michael POV

I had to clear my mind for a minute so I'm sitting on the couch deep in thought until I felt Prince sitting next to me

Prince: you ok

Michael: yes I'm fine just deep in thought

Prince: ok well it's late come back to bed

They came back to bed and went back to sleep to go to sleep

Next Day

I brought over to my grandpa house he didn't get a chance to meet him at the wedding he was so nervous

Prince POV

Today I am meeting Michael grandpa since I didn't get to meet him at the wedding I was so nervous

Michael And Prince walked inside the house ...Michael introduced prince to his grandpa they shook hands

He didn't have a problem with prince at all even though he was nervous on meeting him but everything worked out great for them both

Michael And Prince were walking they were showing prince his ancestors and were they came from prince was learning so much and listened to details it was wonderful to learn about it

after a good hour they said goodbye to him and were out the door

Prince was in the car and he told Michael that he had a good time meeting him

Michael And Prince decided to come to the garden were they shared their first kiss on New Years Eve

Prince was so happy to come back to the place where it all happened it brought back so many memories

Michael knew this place meant a lot to prince this is were all the romance happened between them they even expressed their feelings to each other

Prince and Michael sat down to remember all the memories they had together in this beautiful place and now are a married couple happy as ever

Michael And Prince came back to the car to head back to the house it was getting dark soon

Prince was so happy to meet the rest of Michael family they were wonderful and very sweet and kind to one another

Michael And Prince walked into their beloved home that they both loved so much

Prince kissed Michael he wanted his soft lips so badly Michael thought it was so cute he loved and enjoyed kissing Michael very much

Michael always knew when prince gets horny he was the cutest thing ever to be honest when he's in the mood

Next Day

Michael POV

Me and prince walked into this building I was getting rewarded for biggest heart which was so sweet

Prince POV

Michael got awarded for having the biggest in the world I couldn't miss out on this my support was important

Michael said his speech and thank the fans for all the support he loved them very much

The cameras flashed soon as they walked out waving at the fans prince and Michael were the two biggest artists in the world they were loved all over the world

Michael shook hands with the fans and chatted for a bit longer prince was very patient

After a good minute or two Michael and prince got in the Uber heading home prince was so proud of Michael he's accomplished a lot over the years

The people love Michael he held so many organizations and charity events for people all over the world many were thankful to have someone like him in their life and generation

Prince unlocked the door and they walked inside the house everyone congratulated Michael on the award he deserved very much

The Jackson Family were on tour together Michael did his own thing with his own music and he became the biggest entertainer in the world

It was confirmed that his brothers were jealous of his success but no matter what they were still family to him

Michael And Prince Came to eat and got ready for bed it was a long day for them both today

Next chapter is coming

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